ABS delete question on brake lines


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
My 91 doesn't have abs. Kinda bummed. But it leaves more room for shiney paint.

I've only actually had to use abs a handful of times but I'm glad I had it when I did.


New Member
May 24, 2012
89jdm7m;1905832 said:
I'm not stupid, and I am extremely cautious about anything I do/any situation I go into.

89jdm7m;1905832 said:
Maybe I've been lucky until now, but I rather enjoy sliding out of control with no fail-safes other than the controls given to me. I've definitely attempted to use my ABS in the past in emergency situations (diving in rain, no wipers, freeway was no longer where it used to be + stoplight.) I blew through the stoplight doing at least 90+ and the ABS wasn't hardly doing a damn thing to slow the car down.

I just couldn't stop reading this thread...it is just so funny...especially the above posts

90+ in the rain with no wipers....hmmm sounds pretty stupid to me.

With 1,600+ posts I guess I would have expected the OP to be smarter. I think this thread pretty much kills any credibility this guy's opinion has.

I do agree that it is possible to stop faster without ABS...but as everyone has said...in emergency situations you wont have the time or the focus to modulate the pedal to minimize stopping distance. Seems like a ton of effort to remove the ABS considering it very rarely should ever be activated.

Driving "on the limit of traction" all the time with a daily driver...wow...he should invest all the money he wastes on tires into some engineering classes


Mar 21, 2012
I dont always agree with JJ but this time I think he's spot on. And if OP really does what he plans to then I say bring on Natural selection.


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
I did have a close call once without ABS. A suv changed lanes at the last minute leaving me driving towards a stopped car at 40 MPH. Panic braked and locked up the wheels.. I would've been screwed but I did come to my sense and let off the brakes and quickly changed lanes to avoid smashing the stopped car.

I am fairly good at threshold braking, and I still panic braked and locked them up. Had this been in the rain, I probably wouldn't have a supra anymore.

Sent from my terrible HTC Rezound using Tapatalk. Don't buy HTC...


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
DeMoN2318;1906238 said:
I just couldn't stop reading this thread...it is just so funny...especially the above posts

90+ in the rain with no wipers....hmmm sounds pretty stupid to me.

With 1,600+ posts I guess I would have expected the OP to be smarter. I think this thread pretty much kills any credibility this guy's opinion has.

I do agree that it is possible to stop faster without ABS...but as everyone has said...in emergency situations you wont have the time or the focus to modulate the pedal to minimize stopping distance. Seems like a ton of effort to remove the ABS considering it very rarely should ever be activated.

Driving "on the limit of traction" all the time with a daily driver...wow...he should invest all the money he wastes on tires into some engineering classes

Actually, ABS is only worse at stopping on soft surfaces (gravel, snow, etc) as locking the brakes up in such a situation allows the tires to dig in. On a flat surface, ABS wins everytime.


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
Maple191;1906286 said:
...if OP really does what he plans to then I say bring on Natural selection.

As long as natural selection naturally selects a telephone pole and not somebody's rear bumper. Purposely removing safety features because "you're better" is foolish. No two ways about it.


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
I absolutely hate abs in every car I've ever driven. Three or four time in my 05 Subaru in the snow I've come with in inches of crashing the car because of abs and wound up using my ebrake to stop car I actully know quite a few people that hate the abs. I plan to remove mine in near future and no one will talk me out of not doing so.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
jetjock;1906211 said:
I didn't try to change your mind because I know better. All I'll say is good luck because even more so than most youngsters you've got bigger problems to deal with than an old car. Here's hoping life doesn't beat you up too badly, or worse, before you finally come to your senses.
Oh, I know I've got issues... too many to count... I've learned a lot of lessons... all the hard way, just try to never stop learning. I tend to live on the edge though. Not much fun in holding back. Shit we've all gotta go someday, and I'd rather die young TBH... although instinct of self-preservation still has me kickin.

DeMoN2318;1906238 said:
I just couldn't stop reading this thread...it is just so funny...especially the above posts

90+ in the rain with no wipers....hmmm sounds pretty stupid to me.

With 1,600+ posts I guess I would have expected the OP to be smarter. I think this thread pretty much kills any credibility this guy's opinion has.

I do agree that it is possible to stop faster without ABS...but as everyone has said...in emergency situations you wont have the time or the focus to modulate the pedal to minimize stopping distance. Seems like a ton of effort to remove the ABS considering it very rarely should ever be activated.

Driving "on the limit of traction" all the time with a daily driver...wow...he should invest all the money he wastes on tires into some engineering classes
yeah I knew I'd come off like a complete idiot, but do you want me to be dishonest? I did state that when truths are discussed in full, contradictions will come up.

OPINIONS VARY and not many people are perceptive enough to see through the fog. MY IQ is ~165 but my brain doesn't quite function normally. I burn though tires every 10k miles or so. Not so bad compared to my buddy in Winston Salem though. If you guys think I'm a nutcase, this guy's even crazier than me, also affected by Aspergers. Granted... he has had way more life-threatening accidents than me... but like I said, I am cautious, attentive, and responsive... I do learn from past experience (a lot better than most)

As I clearly stated. With the amount of rage I had as a youngster I thought I'd be dead by now.

Now if you guys had any brains at all you'd see I've been driving for almost a decade. Pretty much a maniac behind the wheel, slowly taming down over time. The fact that I've been in so many situations without ABS when I could have easily wrecked (like today for instance) but still haven't, should be pretty damn obvious that it isn't luck. I know what the hell I'm doing, and anyone that knows me well at all knows this.

Yes survival of the fittest. INCLUDES your ability to take away useful information from someone that is experienced and honest. Most of what I'm saying should in no way apply to most of you guys though. Either you know you're a good driver, or you'll learn very quickly that you're not.

And no, I don't drive on the limit of traction "all the time". If I had my way, sure I would almost all the time. But driving like that takes something out of you. It takes concentration, stamina, skill, intent. It's not something to take lightly, and you better be damn well prepared if you intend to drive like this.

As it stands "fate" as it were has delt me my fair share of shit hands, but for the most part it treats me with kindness (the same way I try to treat others)
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Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
jetjock;1906244 said:
As has been pointed out ABS isn't about stopping, it's about steering. And I don't think the OP is stupid. Just ignorant. Got a bad case of Dunning Kruger though...
so... out of all the cars I've driven to hell and back... the only things that's caused me to wreck so far is....

#1. obstructed vision (5th road not visible in a perceived 4 lane intersection + passing truck blocking from view a civic emerging from 5th road)
#2. bad directions (from co-driver who knew the area) combined with a honda civic w/ 13" race brakes, complete lack of experience driving the car, dead end street and a bush (btw normal civics don't really stop under normal circumstances either... I know this as I hit an accord @ proper following distance driving the speed limit (35mph) there was no damage done, but the civic WOULD NOT STOP... too light, tires too skinny)
#3. assholes pulling out right in front of you, ABS would have done NOTHING, BTW I did miss the assholes, I hit a curb and some dirt instead.

out of all the times driving my DD 120-140+ mph on nearly a daily basis... those are my wrecks summed up.

and you think that by blind luck I've survived? LMFAO If that's what you think than I guess everyone else coming in here will think it's a great idea to drive like an idiot because blind luck will save them.

I'll tell you something, luck is a bad interpretation of fate. And you making ASSUMPTIONS without actually knowing me, is an idiot's move.

I have no illusions about my abilities. I SEE things as they are; I'm completely open to all possibilities. If I was even a bit confused on what I or my car was capable of I'd be dead 100x over by now. Either way I can see I'm talking to a brick wall, maybe it will make sense to some of you guys, maybe it will open your eyes too... the guys fighting the truth though... they've got skulls denser than mine!!! that's incredible!! :rofl:

peavy;1906317 said:
Purposely removing safety features because "you're better" is foolish. No two ways about it.
twisting words again... I NEVER claimed to be better than ABS... just so happens I do better without it. Knowing there are no fail-safes keeps me on edge and cautious at all times. You guys obviously have no clue... and definitely not the spirit of a warrior.

I know... you guys could NEVER comprehend a reality other than the one you perceive LOL

crackin me up guys
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Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
customsleepers;1906326 said:
I absolutely hate abs in every car I've ever driven. Three or four time in my 05 Subaru in the snow I've come with in inches of crashing the car because of abs and wound up using my ebrake to stop car I actully know quite a few people that hate the abs. I plan to remove mine in near future and no one will talk me out of not doing so.
Things like this make me shake my head. If the e-brake is "making the difference" then the problem was you getting into the situation in the first place. ABS was definitely NOT causing you to stop slower, it was only making it so that it would have been your bumper taking the hit instead of your fender.

I am also aware of an IHS study on ABS which concluded that ABS did not significantly alter crash statistics, but did impact (No pun intended) driver's habits in the first 5 years of it being commonly available as an option. In later years, however, it did reduce crash incidence and severity as people began to learn that ABS is about steering, not about stopping faster.

I've been in close calls in the winter, where ABS wasn't stopping the car. Not having ABS wouldn't have stopped the car, either, but where I was able to steer around the car in front of me, the car in front of me was not able to steer around the car in front of him. Thus I ended up avoiding being car #4 in a 3 car pile-up. Barely. I was younger then with only about 15 years driving experience. Had another one later where a cube van came out from the left side of the road, blowing through a stop sign and would have plowed into the driver's side door. I hit the curb there and lost both right hand side tires. (I remember the insurance adjuster saying something about the damages being rather high "for him not even hitting the car.")

Where I live, there's snow and ice on the road 7 months of the year. I know people who have ABS, too, and not one of them is as good a driver as they think. Seriously, how many people do you know who thinks that they're a below average driver? But really, statistically, half of the drivers out there have to be, right?

Just one decade behind the wheel isn't nearly the amount of experience that I thought it was when it was me. Well, at least in a Supra, you've got a good shot of living to get more. After all, it's built pretty well for keeping drivers and passengers safe in a crash.

89jdm7m;1906334 said:
You guys obviously have no clue... and definitely not the spirit of a warrior.

I know... you guys could NEVER comprehend a reality other than the one you perceive
Them's fightin' words.

Now who's making assumptions without knowing anything? You think that I don't understand taking control -- and responsibility? There's a reason why I drive a standard, and it's not because I think that I can drive faster than the auto. I know damned well the advantages that an auto has, particularly with a turbocharged engine. The difference for me is that it's not a safety issue. I consider it something of a personal failure whenever the ABS kicks in when I'm in my normal day-to-day driving, even when, or maybe especially when I'm driving close to the limits of the car. It means that I screwed up, I miscalculated my traction budget, and the machine had to save my ass. So I take that data, and maybe next time I can shoot that corner a little faster, a little smoother, or maybe I just can't, and I should know better by now, particularly since I get really good data on exactly where those limits are from taking the car past them.
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Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
JJ's making assumptions that I over-estimate my own capabilities

other than that... I generally find people in this community to be a lot more sensible than most people you'll meet. anywhere.

BTW you guys that know what you know... yeah, you know ;) same way I know. (saying I know who's got a handle on things and who doesn't)
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Mar 21, 2012
89jdm7m you may have never actually said your better then ABS. But your stupidity about removing says it for you. Your the kind of person who does not car about other peoples safety because if you did this would have never come up.

So lets say someone is dumb enough to walk out infront of you with out looking you hit the brakes lock up. Yah your gonna stop afteryou hit them because you couldnt steer away.

Better yet lets say you mother or father in that situation and someone hit them because they coulnd steer away because they locked their brakes after they disconected their ABS.
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YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Maple191;1906362 said:
89jdm7m you may have never actually said your better then ABS. But your stupidity about removing says it for you. Your the kind of person who does not car about other peoples safety because if you did this would have never come up.

So lets say someone is dumb enough to walk out infront of you with out looking you hit the brakes lock up. Yah your gonna stop afteryou hit them because you couldnt steer away.

Better yet lets say you mother or father in that situation and someone hit them because they coulnd steer away because they locked their brakes after they disconected their ABS.

It's ok. He's a natural born badass. He NEVER locks up brakes and he never panics. He performs flawless threshold brakes in every situation.

OP, I really hope you're laughing your ass off at the keyboard because this all a big joke. You sound like a very young person, naive and ignorant. 120-140 on a daily basis? WTF? I sincerely hope an innocent person doesn't have to suffer from your immaturity and ignorance. "Livin' on the edge" isn't worth killing somebody to realize you might not be as "badass" as you think you are. Ugh. It's just plain sad. :(

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
again... passing judgement having no clue of the location/circumstances. If someone wants to walk out in front of me the ABS will kill them just as dead. Let them do it if they will; I can't do a damn thing about it either way.

LOL you guys are ignorant as rocks. this is a huge joke.

You guys see things how you want. I'll keep living my life the way it goes. No matter how confused you guys are, it don't change a damn thing.

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Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
OMG you're gonna kill everyone!!!!

ahhh... the confusion is so utterly hilarious. the inability to comprehend a reality in such stark contrast to their own... quite amusing and simplistic. I've been 100% honest though, and have been intentionally presenting myself as a lunatic and a moron, just to see who can read between the lines.

oh, and here's a good one for all you safety nuts.... driving... quite possibly the most dangerous thing you'll ever do. Do you really take that into consideration each time you get behind the wheel? I do. As soon as you exceed 25 mph you are endangering your own life and everyone else's around you, so FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KEEP IT UNDER 25!!!!!!!

:rofl: I was being serious till that last bit

humor, can really be found anywhere you look, same with knowledge... it just comes down to whether you have the capacity to access/unlock it. most people are too distracted/tied up in other affairs though... I know I'm guilty of that
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New Member
May 24, 2012
89jdm7m;1906330 said:
And no, I don't drive on the limit of traction "all the time". If I had my way, sure I would almost all the time.

89jdm7m;1906330 said:
out of all the times driving my DD 120-140+ mph on nearly a daily basis.

Looks like I'm never going to Grennsboro, NC...not if there are idiots like this driving around

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
stay the hell away then. I havn't hit in excess of 75mph in at least several months. although I do know guys here that still hit speeds in excess of 200 on the highways here (I think that goes for anywhere you live.) driving across the panhandle in FL I set my cruise control at 130mph. in a downpour. Guess what. I got my doors blown off by a guy riding a wheelie on a hyabusa. doing at least 180mph (but if you ask my opinion, FL has got to be one of if not THE worst state for bad drivers.)

and who says I live in NC... Greensboro is where I'm from... I did most of my maniacal driving in another state where the highways were patrolled by aircraft for speeders (literally)

you guys have such strict, confined thought patterns it's mind numbing

just keep clinging to your opinions. it's a good thing, and will keep the majority of yall out of a world of shit. I've seen what happens when people try to follow in my footsteps... it involves a lot of misinterpretation... multiple arrests and loss of vehicle. for the record... I don't race anyone. too dangerous.

just get one thing straight. just because you think things are a certain way... that doesn't mean it's anywhere remotely close to being the truth

you guys are still spouting opinions, so I really think that last statement is lost on several of you guys.

DeMoN2318;1906399 said:
Looks like I'm never going to Grennsboro, NC...not if there are idiots like this driving around

to sum it up, you'd have to be stupid to think there aren't idiots everywhere.
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