A holes on here

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New Member
Jun 27, 2010
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Im 33 and yet i get punks that want to post smart a remarks. witch is fine. iv built all kinds of cars from simple chevys to a jag that iv got to put a tranny in next week. So why all the drama on here if i ask a ? it means i need some help. Why the drama? yep im a newbe but im not scared to turn wrentches. And that goes for alot of us. :: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
aw lieve da gy alon. it just werds. j/k Its just a forum. I have had my fair share of people dogging on me. I just think of it as constructive criticism.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
I know what he's getting at and It's usually the same people. You just have to learn to ignore the guys that know it all and have no intentions of helping and listen to the guys that actually want to help. Thick skin wouldn't hurt on this site.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
JStoked;1602818 said:
Im 33 and yet i get punks that want to post smart a remarks. witch is fine. iv built all kinds of cars from simple chevys to a jag that iv got to put a tranny in next week. So why all the drama on here if i ask a ? it means i need some help. Why the drama? yep im a newbe but im not scared to turn wrentches. And that goes for alot of us. :: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::

Listen junior. Type all your posts on a Word document first. Then fix all the green and red squiggly lines under every sentence before posting.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
This forum is about furthering the information base for the mk3 Supra (In my opinion). It is NOT about being the nicest group of people on Earth helping every outstretched hand that spends ten seconds writing a poorly constructed, heavily misspelled and generally uneducated question. If you want to LEARN about your car, I attest that there is literally no better domain in which to spend your time. :) If you want help, you WILL get the BEST help available here. But that help only comes with a certain amount of effort on the part of the person in need. ;)

Nick M;1602859 said:
Listen junior. Type all your posts on a Word document first. Then fix all the green and red squiggly lines under every sentence before posting.

Agreed. I try not to be an ass, but holy shit some people on here have TERRIBLE writing skills.

It's not difficult to think about what you type. If you are 33, then PLEASE take the time and effort to post thoughtful questions and concerns that reflect your age and maturity. You're not a "punk" kid, so don't write like one. Write like an adult.

But hey, maybe I fall into the "know it all punk" category since I'm just a 23 year fresh out of engineering school... :sarcasm:

A. Jay

Jun 3, 2009
Bay Area, CA
Would you like your money back? :biglaugh:J/K

But seriously, everyone pretty much touched on everything that is needed to be said. Quit being so sensitive, just keep turning those wrenches, let your results be your comebacks, and post in the right sections.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
JStoked;1602818 said:
Im 33 and yet i get punks that want to post smart a remarks. witch is fine. iv built all kinds of cars from simple chevys to a jag that iv got to put a tranny in next week. So why all the drama on here if i ask a ? it means i need some help. Why the drama? yep im a newbe but im not scared to turn wrentches. And that goes for alot of us. :: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::

I like to think that age typically has very little to do with the people on here. Of course the general trend is that as people get older, they become more mature and in a group of younger car owners you will get more people being immature. That being said, sometimes you will get older people who are immature, and younger members who are quite a bit more mature.

The way you present yourself to other is going to affect the way they treat you. If you've never opened your hood before or if you've built 30 race-winning cars has almost zero to do with how you are treated here. If you take the time to be courteous and ask questions in a nice way you will typically get a nice response.

Unfortunately I am not aware of all of your other posts or why you think people here are assholes, but judging from the one post I can recall you've made (this one right here), I can fully understand why you may have received a cold reception. Please take the time to proof-read your messages and avoid sounding hostile towards others.

You likely can turn this all around, but this thread is not helping your cause. I'd love for everyone to fit in here on Supramania, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone out there can get along. If you put a small amount of effort into the way you post, others will do the same. If you don't (like this thread), others will likely not be that willing to help.

Hope this helps explain what you are perceiving as others being an asshole towards you. There are a lot of resources to be had here, I hope you find what you're looking for. If for some reason you feel another member is being overly hostile or rude, don't hesitate to report the post.

I'm significantly younger than you, and probably knew less about cars when I started getting into the online Supra scene, yet I have never felt people treating me the way you do right now. It's not because of what you or I know about cars, it's about your attitude and how you come across.

If you want a really quick tip, try to spell words correctly and use some grammar. (This is not intended as a flame or some such thing, I am trying to help).

Good luck.



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
^^I am one for speed typing and taking all kinds of shortcuts as well. While it's not always imptortant to spell everything right, you do still have to convey your messages in ways that do not make the reader struggle or distract from the topic. Many times, I do not want to retype a bunch of symptoms, tests, etc... I simply search, read as much as I can and educate myself a bit.... Then I'll bump an old thread, so that others are aware of some of what I have already learned/tried. I am then able to ask well-thought-out "intelligent" questions and even with a typo or two, not make it difficult for others to help.

Sometimes, people want to be spoon fed and it just does not work that way on most forums. It's not an old-guy, new-guy thing. Everyone expects a certain amount of due-diligence, no matter what your experience has been.

Most times, I reread what I just posted and take care of some obvious mistakes.... Like I just did with this Edit.

Welcome and good luck!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I often don't have time for a wordy reply, people mistake this for me being an asshat, if they put aside their delicate sensibilities and read the reply carefully they'd realise the info is accurate even if I haven't taken time to coddle them.
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