I think I know about turbos said:
Something else I noticed. For balancing the compressor wheel. I would have figured it would have been machined. NOT EVEN! Looks like they took a grinding wheel to it. I will have to take a picture of that. I mean seriously, a grinder?
99% of all turbo & balancing shops use a grinding method to balance the wheels. Why? They are all balanced on a Heins style balancing machine. You can only accomplish this by using an abrasive disk and air power.
The other 1%?
Automotive certified rebuilders who use a VSR balancing system and use CNC or semi-automated milling machine.
You sir, may not be the idiot your posts make you out to be, but when you go blasting all over the internet about a problem that was created by you - YOU LOOK LIKE A 14 YEAR OLD TWAT WAFFLE.
Now that being said - Your turbo has suffered severe catastrophic rear piston ring seal / bore failure. This is caused by several things.
1.) Piston ring not fitted correctly to the piston ring bore. (Gap too large)
2.) Piston ring not aligned correctly to the piston ring bore. (Gap not 180 deg away from oil drain)
3.) Oil pressure too high. Any thing above 50psi @ WOT (4000rpms +) will cause the turbo to leak, typically out of both seal sides (compressor & turbine)
4.) Oil return line restricted, too small, or running up hill. Again, oil has no where to go and typically chooses the exhaust side to leak out of.
ONCE THIS HAPPENS TAKE NOTE: The leaking oil instantly turns into hard carbon. The carbon scores the seal bore, then takes out the seal. The seal then scores the seal ring lands on the turbine wheel & shaft. The same hard carbon also attaches itself to the turbine wheel and makes the turbine wheel end of the rotating assembly out of balance making it leak oil. Thus leaking oil, the balance problem only gets worse.
Now, I shouldn't have to explain any of this to you since the warranty is up. You should have presented the case against the dealer BEFORE THE 6 MONTH MARK.
Hopefully you have learned not to wait until a warranty expires.