WHOO!!! Lets just say Im stoked what the dyno said

417 hp and 382 tq max!!! This was done at 15 lbs of boost.
Yesterday there was a dyno even at Hitech in Elk River so Steve and I figured what the hell lets go. Well the turn out for the event and car show was a little on the slow side but worked in my favor. We went over to the dyno and were the only ones there!! Signed up quick and before I could even finish the paper work the supra was on the dyno!!! The event was $50 for 3 pulls. Well since it was slow (im guessing) the owner was asking how can we get that A/R better right after the first pull! Since there was no one else waiting to get on the dyno some tweaking was in order. IIRC the very first pull was 380 ish HP.
The tweaking or "tuning" was done was turning fuel pressure down from 35 to 30 psi. :rofl: Then the owner was wondering what was happening at 4K rpm's so I explained or Steve did, how the fuel pump switches from 6 volts to 12 volts at 4K. So after that we tried a pull at 6 volts and WOW the power came on way faster/quicker at lower rpms. (better A/R's) IIRC it was something like 370+hp around 4K (+ or -) but shortly after we REALLY ran out of fuel. Next we hot wired the fp to 12V, did a good cool down period, and some more pulls. After a few runs the plugs were starting to give up, on the graph he could start to see the not lighting. One run we tried for 17-18 lbs of boost but that didn't turn out good, can any say or remember FUEL CUT!!!!
You should have seen the guys face that was doing the pulls on the dyno when she hit fuel cut. I think he went straight to the bath room to check his pants. He said he has never felt that much of an aggressive fuel cut. So 15 lbs is what she will run at for now.
Even with him shut down the pulls at 6500 rpm's (due to running out of fuel) the hp #'s wear still climbing. This engine
wants to be spun higher! Fuel cut it at 6800 ish on my oem TCCS meaning if the engine is the original one it should have the 6m crank. But knowing how easily these 7m's blow it could have been swapped some time in it's 18 year life, before I owned it. Now I
REALLY wish I would have check what crank I have in my engine when I sent it out to get built :cry:
After the first couple pulls I gave the owner another 40 for the time. He didn't ask for more but I felt it was necessary for the exta time. I think he was more interested then I was to see what we could get this "6 cylinder" would put down. So in total I believe we did 10 pulls.
So today the plugs are getting changed out and gaped to .25 and if I can find a good road, I need to re-train my Profec A EBC. It is still programed with the boost curve of a ct26 in it.
Also time to get some more FUEL in the car! I have a feeling 044 pump and a small piggy back will be coming in the mail for me shortly here

Once i get the A/R good ( and at least SOME fuel at idle) it should be more enjoyable. Idle right now is off the charts (way over 18!! )