Well who ever has it I will take it.
Well today after getting back from Back to the 50's, I finished up the 500's and lexus install. And for the record high impulse injectors work just fine on the TCCS from a 7M-GTE

But I will still by pass the resistor pack once I get the harness's. Every thing went together smooth. One problem, Im guessing the A/R is all messed up (no piggy back) because now once warm it wont idle for shit. Jumps between 250 then 500 rpms for 5 seconds or so them just dies.
After everything I took her out for a quick test run. It is definitely better but still not up to par. It pulls a little harder and No fuel cut witch is a huge bonus! Yes it is only set at 7 lbs. but creeps up to 12 ish once at 6700 rpm's or so. The best part it pulls all the way and I almost need to spin it to higher rpm's but need to see a dyno graph to make sure. I know last time on the dyno with these cams power didn't fall off till 5300 ish on a stock turbo where other I have seen were all done at 4800 ish rpm's.
Once it dose reach the 12 psi mark it starts to really come to life! I can't wait till Im able to run 17-20 lbs. It should be fun. I still have no bottom end (below 3K rpm's) but I guess that is the trade off for this turbo and cams.
But good enough for now till the piggy back (or standalone and once again new fuel system) comes and have it tuned in since I don't drive it any ways besides maybe 20 miles a month. Also I still need to buy a smaller air filter, the K&N is still way to large to fit in the area I have available.
Well on to some pics because we all :love: pics. (or at least I do

) And time to drink some ICE COLD BEER :beer: !!!! Yummy, after the warm day up here.
This is all that had to be removed (besides the 550's waiting to be installed)
Lexus AFM
Looks liek I have some xtra parts to sell