wasnt kiddin. eliminated that i think. but when my car gets hot it studders at an idle but drives great. thinkin a vacume leak when it gets hot or egr valve problem? any ideas. i have totally rewired the cps and coil pack and 02 sensor
nrdriver;1826561 said:i know but most of them are really. i just had to fill a pod on my pillar lol
runnin stock ecu till the baby comes "woman is prego" so i have a car to drive lol. but once i get there i will get the good stuff.suprafanatic;1843275 said:Just those light show gauges are pointless. You need something like an AEM wideband, or Innovative because they actually work and are very accurate.
nrdriver;1843294 said:so i unplugged cyl 6 and made no change. egr? yep. took a vacume tester to the egr up to 25 pounds of vacume and no change. obviously is stuck open. turned the vacume tester to pressure and popped the egr closed. POP! car runs great. gonna leave it unhooked for now. any recomondations?i would love to get rid of the egr