Thanks for the offer!! How far are you from Austin?? (I have no idea where Leander is >_<) and thanks for the links as well... taking a look now... as for my own research, I can't seem to find anything on transmission noises, everything I have found says torque converter *sigh. Here's a more detailed description of the noise, if you watch my vids from before you know its a very loud shrill screeching/whistling. It doesn't always happen for example I just took her out for a short drive, about 6-8 miles and no issues at all. Last night however, She had not ran all day, and at night I decided to start her up, after a couple minutes, the sound kicked in and I decided to conduct an experiment. In park the sound was very constant, in reverse it died down somewhat (which is opposite how it used to be idk y), in drive and the two other gears, the sound became somewhat (whats the word.....) like a wave, ebbing in and out, a very fast undulation (<---funny word). Very odd no? well, take it for what it's worth that's what I noticed last night.
ALSO, I noticed just yesterday that both my steering and transmission problems only happened AFTER my uncle decided to swap the fluids out... of course I had not found this forum yet at the time, and I thought it was a good idea... I do believe (since neither was a complete flush, he only added perhaps a quart of trans fluid and drained the same) After reading several people say that a trans that has never been flushed should just be left alone... I think I may have just broken that rule and suffered the consequences. Also I believe the powersteering underwent somewhat the same deal. The reason I feel this way is because while in Oregon and during the drive down to San Jose, these two issues never occurred, there was no steering problem, and the trans was perfect. like I said the problems only started after the fluid changes... and I'm wondering since he also changed out the differential fluid, would that start to go bad as well?? I really hope not...