88 Blue Turbo restoration/upgrade story


Jan 7, 2011
LoL No problem man!! Glad to be of help :D. What should happen is when ur keys are in and turned to on, all you have to do is turn the light switch till ur running lights are on, and then ur foglight switch should work. What I was told is you are basically removing the foglights from the headlight circuit, making them semi independant, and no ur defogger wont turn on the lights, ur just using the (I think) the 12volt source that the defogger has when the keys are turned. And I got my BVSV installed with no issues ^^ thanks for the tips!! I put thread sealant on it and screwed it in until I didn't think it could make another full 360 to the position where the 2 nozzles are pointed straight back (since I couldn't find any spec on torque, all it says in the tsrm is "install the BVSV") Hope it holds up =O... but now..........

more problems... I have isolated the strange noise to the bell-housing, and from what I read most ppl seem to think that it's the Torque converter. I don't have a clue how to really diagnose this myself, and the only other way I can think of is to take it in to a transmission shop, where no doubt it will cost me an arm and a leg to just diagnose, and then I will need to give up my remaining limbs for the the torque converter itself and the install (don't think I'm at the point where I can confidently remove the transmission and tinker around in there, especially since I don't have the tools required) And if it's not the torque converter, I still don't think the problem is going to be a cheap fix.

AND... after a prestone cleaner and 3-5 hours of cumulative driving in 2 days, I drained the cleaner and flushed... then did a Prestone flusher flush... and GUESS WHAT??? the water is still completely BROWN with no hint of clearing at all!!! is it normal for a 20+ yr old cooling system to be so freakin dirty????? *sigh ... tomorrow is superbowl sunday... I will not work on my car (but most likely I won't be able to resist) ... I'm gonna finish up my 3rd brakelight and start on the right side taillights. Still need to figure out what people are using to buff out sprayed on clearcoat for that amazing deep gloss... no matter how well I spray it I can't get away from fishscaling :(

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------

OK Pics of today's work


I think it'll look great once they are all done and clearcoated and polished, no?


Doesn't get much more broke than that...


10 bucks shipped off ebay, did the hot water test, and it worked awesome


yeah... put the sealant a little high oops... I went back and redid it after this was taken


so now all my piping is connected, not sure how much this will affect my performance, and I already passed emissions without it so... whatever it makes me feel better with everything connected the way it should be


I used BOTH... and followed the instructions to a TEE...


and it still looks like this... WTF


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
I seee... awesome i thought you hit the defrost switch... so regard all i said about draining the batt -_-

Ouch Torque converter.. you have to take off the transmission... Id take that to a transmission shop if you don't have the tools.. we changed my clutch from the floor with the car lifted... IT WAS A NIGHTMARE.. funny though the previous owner left it in his uncle's transmission shop & it came with clean LSD oil & transmission oil.. LUCKY ME! they must have been serviced.

Only way to really clean the block is taking it out & taking it apart & engine degrease & pressure wash... thats what we did with my 7M & its CLEAAAN (from inside). Well because we were overhauling the engine so makes sense. lol but from outside its dirty.. i shouldve done what you did.. clean it up! :/
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Jan 7, 2011
*sigh... I think I'll run one more Prestone Cleaner through it... right now I'm trying to match the darkness of my right side light to the left side >_< maybe shoulda done both together... oh well. I really hope it's not the torque converter... I bought 12 qts of valvoline dex 6 ... gonna do a complete flush, drain refill, drive around, drain 1qt refill 1 qt, drive around, repeat x number of times until I've gone through about 8-9 qts. Oh yeah gonna do that AFTER I flush my power steering, so might need to go back and get some more. so many freaking problems... it's really discouraging when you think you've gotten all the major problems, and then something new and ugly rears its head ... ugh


Mar 27, 2009
lithium14;1670358 said:

See that??? I know I can sand it... but I sand with 3k grit and it still looks like ass... and what kinda rubbing compounds are ppl using to get that amazing gloss??? I have turtleshell or something Rubbing compound for medium stains...

How are you cleaning it before spraying? That is typical of under-prepping and/or oils present. Since you're obviously sanding the hell out of it, I'd say the second. Wash the piece with dawn dish soap, after thoroughly rinsed and dried, wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. Make sure you don't touch the prepped surface with your hands, and spray it again with thin coats.


Jan 7, 2011
Donnie;1670857 said:
How are you cleaning it before spraying? That is typical of under-prepping and/or oils present. Since you're obviously sanding the hell out of it, I'd say the second. Wash the piece with dawn dish soap, after thoroughly rinsed and dried, wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. Make sure you don't touch the prepped surface with your hands, and spray it again with thin coats.

thanks for the tips!! btw you have any idea what ppl use as a buffing compound?


Mar 27, 2009
I use to use a pink compound I "Acquired" back when I was doing detailing. I believe it was a mother's product, but I have no idea now. lol.

Go with Meguiar's 105 and 205 compounds.


Jan 7, 2011
Almost done... me staying here at my relatives place is creating drama... apparently it's my fault that the store I bought my air filter from didn't have it in stock for the longest time. And apparently it's my Mom's fault that I'm staying at mt relatives place. I guess my definition of "family" is different from the rest of my family. They weren't kidding in the Marines when they said no one will be as close to you as your brother's in arms, not even family. Tomorrow my final items arrive and I will install them and get the fuck outta this selfish household.

ok done ranting :rant:

pics now of what I've been up to

so my car suddenly is blowing white smoke... ??? and that is accompanied by my mpg dropping from 19 to 16... ??? wtf??? (info thanks to my supermonitor)


taillights getting final layers of clearcoat before buffing and polishing


still got a rough finish



My dad sent this to me from portland, a brand new underbody panel he never installed after buying it years ago lmao


I have a leak somewhere, not sure what... might be powersteering or engine oil


I know my steering is messed up for sure, I decided to flush my power steering system and refill with dex6 plus some "small leak stop and rack and pinion reconditioner" not sure how that works, but I like the stop leak part



Leak is somewhere above here


At first I thought it was pipe to the left because I noticed a small tear in the rubber sleeve over the braiding, but then I noticed that it was also wet above the pipe...


So whatever is right above is leaking, pretty sure the pipe isn't leaking enough to spray up there, since it's such a small leak that only sitting overnight leaves a trace...


Oh yeah, that bolt right there was so loose I was able to turn it with my hands... WTF?!?!


and a dent in that pipe... I assume it's the shock that straightens the wheels if you let go during a turn?? I really don't know, actually that doesn't even make sense... I must be outta my mind right now :(

BTW, does anyone know how to get oil stains out of brick?? like driveway brick?? It's either engine oil of atf... that'd be great to know

So down right now... ugh


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
lithium14;1672042 said:
Almost done... me staying here at my relatives place is creating drama... apparently it's my fault that the store I bought my air filter from didn't have it in stock for the longest time. And apparently it's my Mom's fault that I'm staying at mt relatives place. I guess my definition of "family" is different from the rest of my family. They weren't kidding in the Marines when they said no one will be as close to you as your brother's in arms, not even family. Tomorrow my final items arrive and I will install them and get the fuck outta this selfish household.

BTW, does anyone know how to get oil stains out of brick?? like driveway brick?? It's either engine oil of atf... that'd be great to know

So down right now... ugh

Man i love your car... so cleaaaaaan. Im probably going to follow your example after i get the MKII up.
Ahh powersteering. my MKIII took a piss yesterday, as i started it & was taking it out of the garage i felt the steering tough & surely the 1st thing in my mind was powersteering puddles on the floor & surely enough there they were... a hose had a little hole, so got that fixed fast. use ATF Dextron II or III for powersteering just saying.

As for loose bolts hmm check everything, transmission, differential, etc. i need to check my power steering & brake stuff. All my engines bolts were hand tight "literally, im not joking or being sarcastic" when i got it. took it out rebuild it & got it straight.. but if that was half assed leaves me to wonder about the differential, suspension, brakes & powersteering....

to get stains out of concrete buy a pressure washer, comes right off & if not, takes most of it off.

underbody... i want one!! Lol

Family will always nag at you, its life really. I give my mother money for her bills, then im trying to spend money for myself & she starts ranting about how i never have money & im spending on stuff i don't need & she's ANGRY... well mother! i need that caliper!! lol & then i got Angry & told her the reason im nearly broke is because of her & i have car insurance to pay ($900 dollars) & that i wouldn't give her money for the month & she didn't say anything. LOL

Oh & yea im 18.... -_-
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Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
If I were your mother, I'd be angry at you for quoting pics in the post right above yours..!!!

Seriously though, drama will always be present no matter what, it's life..


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
RazoE;1672077 said:
If I were your mother, I'd be angry at you for quoting pics in the post right above yours..!!!

Seriously though, drama will always be present no matter what, it's life..

whoops. you have a point, let me fix that.. haha

& yup its life. If it isn't one sht its another.


Supras are never 'done'
Apr 5, 2005
Bozeman, MT
Super Clean or Purple Power and a scrub brush also work pretty well at cleaning up concrete.

It'll be easier to see where the leak is coming from if you clean it up, then you can see what's fresh fluid and what's just accumulated. Either take it to the car wash or use one of the cleaners I just mentioned, but be sure to follow the dilution directions if you buy the concentrate so you don't harm your paint. My 7M power steering lines always leaked, I think it was just from the hoses hardening up and no longer sealing well at the joints. If you can't find anything specifically wrong, some new hoses on the return side might not hurt and should be relatively inexpensive. Just tedious and messy to change.

Depending on where you're located it may be a bit cold for washing anything today. Even here in central Texas it's 21 degrees right now.

The pipe is your steering stabilizer. Basically a shock absorber for your steering. '89+ doesn't have them so I wouldn't worry too much about the importance. The bolt was probably loose from the impact of whatever bent it.

The white smoke could be valve stem seals, on cold mornings they'll shrink and leak more than usual. Does it subside any when the car warms up?


Jan 7, 2011
LoL thanks guys!! This community is great fer reeelz!! haha Well, I'll check up on the rest of the underside of my car for loose stuff while I wait for UPS. I cleaned it up as much as i could last night and plus I put some cardboard underneath, so hopefully that'll help with locating the leak. As for the white smoke, I will def be paying attention to that today, and I'll get back to you. But would valve stem seals explain the sudden drop in mpg? or is the the RP 5w-30 I put in there... =O (huh... they did say that new clean synthetic oil tends to clean up the engine so seals start leaking on old engines... but damn thought my engine was supposed to be rebuilt... so much for that)

I'm really honored to hear that my project is inspiring people!! I hope I will be able to meet everyone's expectations, and also provide useful info while I'm at it!!

OK off to work!!


Jan 7, 2011
Ok updates for today's progress:


Yep... I polished my power steering reservoir :evil2:


Prep for the air filter, before




Apparently my accordion hose was coated with a layer of grease and grime... that I never noticed before cuz it looked natural...


Took some advice... here is the final result for my 3rd taillight after buffing :aigo:


Lookit that!!! I literally had that in my hand for 5 minutes cuz I couldn't stop gazing at how awesome it turned out haha :naughty:


Yep!! Polished the stock BOV... I was cleaning it and then noticed that some shine was showing, well, if there's shine to be had, no need to hold back!!!


WHOOHOO!!!! UPS brought gifts!!!


my 1990 climate control unit with my apexi power intake :D


All the stuff


Only thing I didn't like, the finish of the surface inside the adapter, by now yall should know how I am, it will be fixed in the future :evil2:


All put together


Installed... notice the clamp that holds the accordion to the AFM??? yeah... forgot to tighten that *facepalm... and was wondering why she wouldn't pull hard on the highway later haha


taking out the old


putting in new


well now my radio stuff looks outta place...


And an engine bay update

So thoughts on today, I love the airfilter, wasn't able to notice outstanding power difference, however I could hear the turbo and bov much clearer, especially inside with all the windows closed. When I get a chance, I'll take her on the highway again to see if there's a power difference (perhaps it's the placebo effect, but I coulda sworn she jumped a little more than before with a light tap of the pedal :aigo:) LoL

what else, I wasn't able to notice a difference in the white smoke. Not sure if it;s because I just couldn't see it or if it really wasn't there, more observing tomorrow

This morning I found no leakage on my cardboard, so did it again tonight to see if perhaps the leak has been sealed

On friday once the clearcoat has cured 48 hours I will buff it and then wash and detail the car, and there will be an artsy photo shoot before I depart on my 2k+ mile trip to Austin tentatively on Monday


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
The climate control looks a million times better, you could also get an 89 cluster (90+ won't work), an 89 steering wheel (90+ have airbags), and the 89 switch gear on the left (they replace the "foil" with the same black as the climate control)


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
Looks like its time to upgrade to the later model camry/sienna stock radio's, they sound much better than the oem supra's were designed to, and it has cd/cassette too! Props to fixing and cleaning up the car, btw what did you use to buff out that brake light cover, that looks damn nice!


Jan 7, 2011
Thanks guys!! I'm debating to just go aftermarket with the radio thingys whenever I upgrade my speakers, and leave some space for electronics :evil2:

For the buffing I smoothed it out with 3k sandpaper first then I used turtlewax "rubbing compound for medium to light scratches" It comes in a green bottle. Used a buffing pad with the rubbing compound as well, not sure what it was made of, but it said "buffing cloth" on the package. LoL


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
My stereo looks like this... & yes thats the annoying song "Birthday Sex" playing. It's an old pic as you can see, i have 89+ CC now. Shift knob sucks for the fact that its around -14 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit around here & its like touching a piece of ice. Lol
