First off, put a filter on the engine. Running the AFM open like that with the cooling fan nearby can result in unstable idle.
"IDL - E2 .046 ohm-Closed 1ohm- .5mm Feeler Gauge 2k"
Nothing wrong with that.
"IDL - E2 1 ohm-.9mm Feeler Gauge 2k"
Should be infinity. I assume it goes to infinity if opened slightly more. If so leave it alone.
"VC - E2 5.79 Throttle Closed/Opened Gives Same Reading 20K"
That reading is, or should be, in kohms.
"VC-E2 supposed to give the same reading with the throttle opened and closed?"
Of course. It's either end of a potentiometer, same as a fixed resistor. Wiper position doesn't effect measurement.
I'd still be focusing on the AFM problem. It's far more important than any TPS issue. And again with ohms? The ECU deals with voltage.
You have GE injectors in the engine?
If the mixture seems rich or lean when in closed loop it's a simple matter to use the stock NB O2 sensor to verify and correct it. Absolutely zero need for a WB. In fact it's less accurate than a NB for this purpose.
If 51 doesn't come up with the throttle closed (but does comes up when it's cracked) the TCCS is in "idle mode". Vehicle speed must also be less than 11 mph but that's a given in this case.
I used 88c (190f) thermostats. A 195 will be fine. I do not advocate the use of lower thermostats and get a chuckle from those that do.
It's true I expect those I try and help to make at least a minimum of mental and physical effort in resolving their problems. If anyone wants to give me "attitude" about that, fine. On my shit list they go. In fact I ignore lots of posts where I know the answer, for lots of reasons. After all I'm not the one with the broken car and I don't earn a single kopeck doing this.
Lastly, I hate to say it but that meter sucks. Snap-On is a real scam at times...
"IDL - E2 .046 ohm-Closed 1ohm- .5mm Feeler Gauge 2k"
Nothing wrong with that.
"IDL - E2 1 ohm-.9mm Feeler Gauge 2k"
Should be infinity. I assume it goes to infinity if opened slightly more. If so leave it alone.
"VC - E2 5.79 Throttle Closed/Opened Gives Same Reading 20K"
That reading is, or should be, in kohms.
"VC-E2 supposed to give the same reading with the throttle opened and closed?"
Of course. It's either end of a potentiometer, same as a fixed resistor. Wiper position doesn't effect measurement.
I'd still be focusing on the AFM problem. It's far more important than any TPS issue. And again with ohms? The ECU deals with voltage.
You have GE injectors in the engine?
If the mixture seems rich or lean when in closed loop it's a simple matter to use the stock NB O2 sensor to verify and correct it. Absolutely zero need for a WB. In fact it's less accurate than a NB for this purpose.
If 51 doesn't come up with the throttle closed (but does comes up when it's cracked) the TCCS is in "idle mode". Vehicle speed must also be less than 11 mph but that's a given in this case.
I used 88c (190f) thermostats. A 195 will be fine. I do not advocate the use of lower thermostats and get a chuckle from those that do.
It's true I expect those I try and help to make at least a minimum of mental and physical effort in resolving their problems. If anyone wants to give me "attitude" about that, fine. On my shit list they go. In fact I ignore lots of posts where I know the answer, for lots of reasons. After all I'm not the one with the broken car and I don't earn a single kopeck doing this.
Lastly, I hate to say it but that meter sucks. Snap-On is a real scam at times...