Today I finally got the chance to test the TPS and other things. I Used A New Snap-On Multimeter With Aligator Clips And A TPS Pigtail I Got From A Old Horrible Harness I Had Laying Around. Here is what I found.
Testing The TPS According To TSRM
Incase It Makes A Difference, Since "E2" Is Common, I Put The Black(Ground) Lead To It.
Contacts Resistance Result Meter Setting
VTA - E2 .861 ohm 2k
IDL - E2 .046 ohm-Closed 1ohm- .5mm Feeler Gauge 2k
IDL - E2 1 ohm-.9mm Feeler Gauge 2k
VTA - E2 4.46 ohm Throttle Fully Opened 20K
VC - E2 5.79 Throttle Closed/Opened Gives Same Reading 20K
I know VTA-E2 is in spec and VTA-E2 with the throttle opened is in spec. If I try to get IDL-E2 in spec with the .5mm feeler gauge, the lowest it gets is .058 with the meter set at 2k. Is VC-E2 supposed to give the same reading with the throttle opened and closed? I took pictures to show you guys how I was doing everything. With these settings I don't get a Code 51 and the car revs without any misfires when holding a steady RPM in any range(When I Plug In AFM.)
It does smell rich,which is weird since I OHM'ed the injectors and they are 13.4-13.6 which are GE injectors, shit I mixed them up. Tomorrow I am going to get a new sensor for my wideband and what the AFR's are. I did not touch the AFM since Jetjock said the car should start and idle without the AFM plugged in but only be able to rev to 3,000 RPM.
Picture 1 - Boost Gauge Showing Reading
Picture 2- TPS And Pigtail Used
Picture 3- TPS Upclose
Picture 4- IDL-E2 Gets .046ohm Closed.....5mm Feeler Gauge Shows A 1
---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------
CajunKenny;1578820 said:
I think it's the whole "Teach a man to fish..." mentality.
I agree, learn someone to fish, they can feed themselves. Learn them how to fix something, they will learn from that. Building this car has thought me a lot about engines.