3P's TCCS Disassembly/Analysis


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
Paris, France
Suprapowaz!(2);2048902 said:
What is the most horsepower a stock afm has seen? When does it become a limitation?

I'm going to use Lex AFM with this ecu in few weeks (I need to finalize my fuel model tune), for the same reason, even if I was enjoying MAP for piping commodity.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Rollus;2048912 said:
EUDM and JDM 2JZGTE are using MAP sensor.

They are not required to have the car run optimally under many different conditions. See logical fallacy of "appeal to authority" to understand.


New Member
May 13, 2013
Hi Guys, is there a way to enable the obd output on 7mgte ecu?
So far as I can find the pin required ( Te2 ) to enable the output ( VF1 ) doesn't exist on any 7mgte ecu, however I did read you were able to turn on some diagnostics hiding in the code.

Thanks for any advice.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
There is no obd hiding in any 7M ecu I have looked at. The California ecus are the most advanced, with misfire detection in the later models, but the interface I am referring to is proprietary, and never intended to be a replacement for obd.


New Member
Dec 23, 2013
Hi, All. I have developed readerboards for ND/TEN MCUs in DIP42, sDIP64, PLCC44 and PLCC68 sockets.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
3p141592654;1906335 said:
This thread is getting so big its hard to find stuff, but see here for timing computation. http://www.supramania.com/forums/sh...bly-Analysis&p=1712465&viewfull=1#post1712465

So, on a hot day you will see some impact to timing.

Another thing to consider is that the air intake temp goes through the roof on a hot day because the AFM is beside the exhaust manifold and gets heat soaked. Its not unusual to see intake temps above 60C on a hot day after 30 minutes of driving, even though the air intake for the factory filter is in a cool place. That will also reduce power.

This was hard to find but not impossible. What I notice is the lag time when at operating temps goes up and I assumed timing was being pulled a little bit. I am thinking of changing the intake (mine came with a FIPK) to get more fender air. I am not sure how just yet. I don't want to fabricate ducting, I would rather get the filter down where it started.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
I wouldn't bother with the ducting. My tests on the stock air cleaner show that the incoming air is pretty near ambient, the stock system pulls air from in front of the radiator and it works well. The problem is that the AFM get really hot. Put your hand on it after running a while. the air heats up as it goes through the hot AFM. Some sort of insulation for the AFM would be very helpful I suspect.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
I think the first thing to do is confirm that the high air temp readings are accurate. It could be that the hot AFM is making the sensor read hotter than the air temp actually is. I plan to measure the temp in the accordion tube with a thermocouple and see if it matches the AFM sensor.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Rollus;2048913 said:
I'm going to use Lex AFM with this ecu in few weeks (I need to finalize my fuel model tune), for the same reason, even if I was enjoying MAP for piping commodity.

Did you try a Lex meter yet? With the stock CT-26, my opinion is that the car showed noticeable improvement all around. Which is what was reported a long time ago.

Rollus;2049001 said:
I agree and I've never wrote that.
It was just to complete your information...

My bad.


New Member
Jun 29, 2014
I decapped the 42-pin IC labelled "D 151802-2860" "572 130M" "9046 Z44". Supposed to be the knock MCU from a MR2 ECU
Nitric acid (60%) heated and a couple of hour !

Guess what ? It's a Fujitsu chip, the partnumber is also on the DIE: MB88572
There is also a year: 1987 !!!
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Nice. It was known that the knock MCU was not the same architecture as the denso/toshiba MCU, but not much more than that has been made public. It would be nice if someone could figure out the pin functions for that chip, as it may be the same architecture as used for the auto trans MCU which is also Fujitsu. Are the bare die pads labelled?
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Nick M;2058567 said:
Did you try a Lex meter yet? With the stock CT-26, my opinion is that the car showed noticeable improvement all around. Which is what was reported a long time ago.

I took the AFM calibration code from the Lexus ECU and compiled it into the Supra code. As a result, I am running the stock 440 injectors with the Lexus AFM and it behaves 100% like stock, you cannot tell the difference and the fuel trim is unchanged, as is the ignition timing.

By doing this, I can then scale the injector routine to support different size injectors, without altering timing or other maps inside the ecu. I have also added short pulse width adder table as used in GM ECUs to allow big injectors to be used and still get a decent idle. All of this is running out there on the street and pretty successfully I would say.

The Lex/550 mod has been used for years, but frankly its a hack, and the drivability is no way as good as the stock setup due mainly to the different behavior of the Lex AFM at low flow rates.

The Lexus AFM calibration is very different from the Supra, due to the way the bypass is designed. People who mess withe the Lexus screw in the AFM are making a big mistake. This has been modeled and confirmed (not by me so I cannot say more at the moment).


New Member
Jun 29, 2014
The pinout fit with fujitsu databook for the mb885000 series (understand supply and crystal, also adc ref).

I contacted fujitsu, I hope they will answer with the datasheet.

Unfortunately my microscope is a cheap usb camera with a cheap lens, I'm investing in a low cost but true metallurgical microscope, then I will be able to answer. Right now it's too small to see anything I was lucky to find a marking on the die !

If you want I can decap your ic ! Maybe a partnumber can be read


New Member
Jun 29, 2014
I desoldered with my hot air station both IC, but I'm unable to inspect the main MCU because I damage it. If someone own a broken ECU I would be happy to try again !


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
Paris, France
3p141592654;2058758 said:
I have also added short pulse width adder table as used in GM ECUs to allow big injectors to be used and still get a decent idle. All of this is running out there on the street and pretty successfully I would say.

I confirm this. I've drove 8812 miles with this ECU, My 960cc injectors have flew 667,62gal of E85. Injectors are scaled and with short pulse tuned.
I have yet to tune for cold start now, with some around 10-15°C with the fall comming.

The work on the Lex AFM seems good also, but I had no chance to install mine yet (I have a whole project with a FFIM)

3p your modded ecu is awsome, thank you and keep up with the good work ;)


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
3p141592654;2058758 said:
The Lex/550 mod has been used for years, but frankly its a hack, and the drivability is no way as good as the stock setup due mainly to the different behavior of the Lex AFM at low flow rates.

The Lexus AFM calibration is very different from the Supra, due to the way the bypass is designed. People who mess withe the Lexus screw in the AFM are making a big mistake. This has been modeled and confirmed (not by me so I cannot say more at the moment).

Being the one who performed the modeling work that 3p is referring to, I completely concur with these statements. I will complete the documentation of my modeling work and share that with the community shortly so people can understand the underlying reasons for why problems arise when using the Lexus AFM with the stock ECU code.

I have been using an ECU modified by 3p with the Lexus AFM calibration code and a Lexus AFM. I have also derived (by iteration) close to optimal injector parameters for the RC Engineering 550cc/min injectors that I currently have installed. I have experienced dramatic performance improvements with these changes; my car has never run better.

I could not be more impressed with the performance of this ECU and associated software, along with the outstanding support provided by 3p along the way!