1JZ Trying for 600hp on pump


Banned Scammer - I'm whitemike.
Jun 14, 2011
Fort Myers/Cape Coral - Florida
rakkasan;1848528 said:
saying that most people go 1JZ because they cant afford a 2JZ is kinda dumb

Feel free to prove me wrong..

I used to work at a shop up until about a year ago. Every Supra that came in for a 1JZ swap was on a budget, and every one that came in for a 2JZ wanted to "do it right" and wanted it rebuilt and not skimp on things.

I have a few friends (and a few on here) with really nice 1JZ setups with no expense spared. I'm NOT saying that all 1JZ owners are cheap, but vice versa, all cheap owners have 1JZ engines (or dead 7Ms).

If we collected a sample of yearly salaries of 1JZ and 2JZ owners, you're really telling me they'd be similar? At least 50% of the 1JZ owners would still be living with mom and working at WalMart or something. I'm not trying to put anyone down, seriously I'm not. Some of the cars I love most on here are 1JZ no lie (look at Andy's!) and my buddy local to me has one that will rock my 2JZ any day (for now..), just speaking statistically.

Again, to rephrase as to not offend anyone, my original statement was merely: I feel that a good majority of 1JZ owners are on the 'cheap' side or 'budget' side. Simply because the MKIII owners who are on a budget or have no job tend to go with the 1JZ instead of the 2JZ. Therefore you have an addition of many of these 'frugal' owners in the 1JZ category, and not the latter.. which ends up watering down the numbers.

Supra NA-T

Total Annihilation
Nov 7, 2010
no budget here, civilian contractor overseas. Just want to build a real fun 1JZ the right way ohh and since there is only 1 E-85 pump within 300 miles of me, that is why I am attempting this on 93 Pump Gas.

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
"would still be living with mom and working at WalMart or something. I'm not trying to put anyone down, seriously I'm not."

I work at walmart.... :-( guess I'm a loser.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
Albert;1848770 said:
Andy's 1jz sucks

White people always put me down...

Clint;1848788 said:
Phhssshh *rollseyes* :rolleyes::p



Lurk R
Apr 5, 2005
Calgary/Brooks, Alberta Canada
1. A 1JZ is a fun engine all by itself and if its a jza70 version, drops in alot easier then a 2JZ. One of the reasons for peoples choice of that platform.
2. Other people using cheap and budget to describe the person's reasons dont ever factor in one important detail: This may not be the persons only hobby, toy, obligation or even there only car. They dont have to live at home or work at a department store. Nothing wrong if they do, may be transitional or in school.
3. A 2JZ is alot of fun, out of the gate is it better then a 1JZ? Aside from the horrid aristo twins, yes in a number of ways, but a 1J is by no means this trashbox that everbody gets instead of the 2JZ or a built 7M. Its a lovely engine, makes great power and is widly available and has been swapped into SO many platforms. Its also getting cheaper where as any 2JZ seems like they have been getting more expensive over time. (Your results may vary by your locale)

I know your not trying to upset people and nor am i upset at all either, its just i am tired of people singling out the reasons why somebody chose an engine simply cause they are broke. Perhaps they started on whatever platform/engine because they really LIKED it.
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Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
CRsupraiii;1848831 said:
At least ya got a nice ass Andy!
If that is Andy's ass, I might have to rethink some of my choices in life... :nono: :p

Dylan JZ

一番 King
Oct 18, 2007
OP: you won't see 600whp on 93, but you might see 500whp depending on tune..

ifyouaint1sturlast;1847217 said:
Albert and te72 added to my "went with a 1jz but could have afforded a 2jz" list.

I could have bought a mkiv but instead bought a MK3 and decided on the 1J over the 2J.

I simply liked the car and motor combo more and still do.. plus, I could freely mod the mk3 instead of sitting there paying on the mkiv at the same time.

For me, it was win/win.


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
Shit I came close to buying a MKIV back in 05 but I didn't care for the look of a jelly bean with a wing on the back :p.

I bought my first 1j back in late 05 and the front clips where still above 4500, I did my second 1j swap in 07 and I just recently decided to open her and go balls to the walls as seen in my build thread.

I'm not on a budget anymore and haven't been in the last several years, I love the sound of the 1j, I love the smooth powerband, and the responsiveness to the engine and I like the fact its only a 2.5L and can make as much power as its 3.0L predecessor...


Banned Scammer - I'm whitemike.
Jun 14, 2011
Fort Myers/Cape Coral - Florida
NecroCyde;1848839 said:
I know your not trying to upset people and nor am i upset at all either, its just i am tired of people singling out the reasons why somebody chose an engine simply cause they are broke. Perhaps they started on whatever platform/engine because they really LIKED it.

Did nobody take statistics?

ifyouaint1sturlast;1848654 said:
Again, to rephrase as to not offend anyone, my original statement was merely: I feel that a good majority of 1JZ owners are on the 'cheap' side or 'budget' side. Simply because the MKIII owners who are on a budget or have no job tend to go with the 1JZ instead of the 2JZ. Therefore you have an addition of many of these 'frugal' owners in the 1JZ category, and not the latter.. which ends up watering down the numbers.

Why are people getting so offended..

rakkasan;1848840 said:
I used the acronym "IMO" because it's a baseless assumption that I used. There is no way to prove each other wrong, so why try?

If you look at all of the replies in this thread, it does lend to the idea that 1JZ owners are not categorically cheaper than 2JZ owners as you imply. There are a bunch of 1JZ cars on THIS forum that guys have dumped a ton of money into. I don't read any other Supra forum, I stay here, so that might be a fallacy on my part.

Why do you think I'm on these forums? Most people here care about their cars.

So you're telling me that judging by the people in this thread, the four or so people, that I'm wrong? I'm talking about thousands. You can go on SF right now and find dozens of 1JZ swaps with the harnesses left out on the engine and wires running around everywhere. I've yet to see a 2JZ-GTE swap done like that, and left like that. How many threads have you seen of people with 1JZs not running right, selling 7M parts to fund their swaps?

I'm sorry but I'm not wrong here..

You can look at it from a statistical standpoint and say for example, 15k people have 1JZs in their MKIII's, and 5k people have 2JZs in their MKIII's. We can say that "most" 1JZ owners are on a "tight budget" (I'll leave the word cheap out since this offends people), and still have "most" (> 50%) be more individuals than their are total 2JZ-MKIII owners. See what I'm saying? Now I know you're looking at it like apples to apples. Like "I see ten 1JZ owners and ten 2JZ owners all with similar cars, no difference", well those ten cars represents a much smaller percentage of total owners/cars than the ten 2JZ owners would..

I'm simply trying to prove my point that I feel that most 1JZ MKIII owners (again, > 50%) are on a "strict budget" where as I feel that that same percentage couldn't be applied to 2JZ MKIII owners.

I don't know why so many people are offended.. I mean I'm 2JZ and I'm on a pretty tight budget as well. I'm not better than anyone, most of the 1JZs in this thread (if not all) would spank my car.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Albert;1848866 said:
Boy! You some type of queer!?!?!

Clint;1848876 said:
Oooh! You carrot chompin, floppy eared, bob-tailed RABBIT!
Did I miss something? I mean, I know I'm short compared to you two, but whatever you're talking about went RIGHT over my head. :rofl:


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
te72;1849219 said:
Did I miss something? I mean, I know I'm short compared to you two, but whatever you're talking about went RIGHT over my head. :rofl:

I was referencing the Yosemite Sam look you had in Vegas one year.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Mar 6, 2009
Merced, CA
i have a 1j and still live with my parents lol. Reason being car payment and 3 supras (only one running atm). But the real reason i went 1j is because i came across a 1j for 1k with all sensors map ecu ignitor for 1k rear sump harness all intact clean motor. The other two reasons are no one in cencal really have 1j swaps just me and 2 other guys i can think of. Also i didn't feel like banging in the firewall.