1jz stalling as soon as i give it gas??????


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
the pump is getting 13.8v, it only seems to hesitate when the engine is not fully warmed up. i drove around for 10min and when i pulled back in it revved fine with good responce.

it seems very strange that it stumbles/hesitates when its not fully warmed up.

could it be the sensor on the bottom of the radiator?


Going for broke
Mar 30, 2005
Earlier you said it bogged when it was warmed up, now you're saying it stumbles when its cold, haha.

Check your ecu temp sensor maybe, on the upper water neck (the green two pin plug).

The sensor on the radiator is for the hydrofan and won't make a difference in the way your engine runs.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
after driving the car vs just sitting there idleing to it warm up. (oh and it does not stumble at all if i just touch the gas when i first start it, cold start) but as soon as the rpm's start to go down i can not touch the gas, even a hair.

ill try and be clear:) after i let it idle and the temp gauge needle is in the middle it revs pretty good (little bit of a stumble). but after driving around for a while it revs way better (no stumble).

ill check the ecu temp sensor, thanks for the help as always juno. i feel were getting closer to the issue.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
just wanted to update- car is running great and loving it. not sure why i had the problem, but i am still on the look out. might have been just because the car needed to be driven and redeem itself.

milky crap has not showed up in two weeks and i drive it every day:) putting in german catsro 0-30w syn. tomorow morning:)


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
only thing i could think of is that it needed to be driven and let the ecu learn, but i have not had any problems since i have been drving it:)

91mk3- my car never died during warm up, have you tested anything like, map sensor, tps, idle controll valve, crank sesors. or have you checked for codes?

91 mK3

Aug 22, 2006
Hayward, Bay Area
checked for codes so far but nothing comes up. as far as map sensor, im using the same one i had for my 1jz. tps has been tested and calibrated as well. i put a 2jz in with 1jz harness and ecu. i was able to get on good rev out of it after letting the car sit for 5 min and then started it back up. thts about it. all the rest of the time, the thing has no problem starting, it starts to raise idle to about 1500, then comes down and dies. maybe fuel?


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
91 mK3;1644697 said:
checked for codes so far but nothing comes up. as far as map sensor, im using the same one i had for my 1jz. tps has been tested and calibrated as well. i put a 2jz in with 1jz harness and ecu. i was able to get on good rev out of it after letting the car sit for 5 min and then started it back up. thts about it. all the rest of the time, the thing has no problem starting, it starts to raise idle to about 1500, then comes down and dies. maybe fuel?

any luck with your trouble?

it seems the problem with mine is that i kept unpluging the battery while i was still working on it and it reset the ecu every time. i had to unplug my battery last week to work on the stereo and it was acting the same, after driving it for 10min the car was perfect again. seems the ecu need to learn for my car to run good.