1000hp 7m? parts list?


May 9, 2007
Grass Valley, CA
Meh, if you want to throw enough money at it, you can make it reliable. Lets see... for a daily driven 1kwhp...

Filled dry deck, head tapped for external lines, freeze plugs removed and tapped and water manifolding installed, blockoff installed @ stock water pump location and external electric pump installed, forged/billet crank, billet caps, forged/billet rods, clovered head with welded and shaped ports and custom pistons, custom sleeves with stock bore or smaller, and preferably a brazed deck plate with extended rods/sleeves to get your r/s up for extended high rpm use, stock bolts holes drilled and tapped for larger studs, last but not least, a dry sump system with a teflon tipped crank scraper.

That should survive a daily 1kwhp with the right manifolding and wastegating. Have at it ;)


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
MrWOT;904835 said:
Meh, if you want to throw enough money at it, you can make it reliable. Lets see... for a daily driven 1kwhp...

Filled dry deck, head tapped for external lines, freeze plugs removed and tapped and water manifolding installed, blockoff installed @ stock water pump location and external electric pump installed, forged/billet crank, billet caps, forged/billet rods, clovered head with welded and shaped ports and custom pistons, custom sleeves with stock bore or smaller, and preferably a brazed deck plate with extended rods/sleeves to get your r/s up for extended high rpm use, stock bolts holes drilled and tapped for larger studs, last but not least, a dry sump system with a teflon tipped crank scraper.

That should survive a daily 1kwhp with the right manifolding and wastegating. Have at it ;)

So you're going to sleeve a siamese block to make it stronger.... yeah right ok whatever you say.... :nono:

Did you read all this somewhere and thought it would make you sound as if you have a clue?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
89mkiii18;903197 said:
.well i just got a huge settlement from my grandmother and its time to build that 7m with 1000 horse power but i need some help .....what you guys think

I think your an idiot. And full of crap. If you could afford this, buy a house instead. Or a Ford GT, and change the twin screw to Kenne Bell, or turbocharge. At least it won't break.

Lingenfelter Vettes need to be rebuilt. The engine can't handle it. Fast though. Turbo Viper, eh, it is still a Dodge.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
i saw a 1000rwhp ford gt in 06, twin turbo on stock internals. it did several dyno pulls through out the the day.


May 9, 2007
Grass Valley, CA
IJ.;904871 said:
So you're going to sleeve a siamese block to make it stronger.... yeah right ok whatever you say.... :nono:

Did you read all this somewhere and thought it would make you sound as if you have a clue?

Yeah, read it in a newspaper :thumbsdow

Siamesed bores have nothing to do expansion properties or stiffness of the sleeves, and yes, chromoly sleeves would certainly stiffen the bores and prevent distortion under that kind of load. :icon_roll


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
MrWOT;904992 said:
Yeah, read it in a newspaper :thumbsdow

Siamesed bores have nothing to do expansion properties or stiffness of the sleeves, and yes, chromoly sleeves would certainly stiffen the bores and prevent distortion under that kind of load. :icon_roll

Have you even worked on a 7M?

I'm not being a smartarse but unless "WOT" means "Waste OF Time" you have NFI what you're talking about....

You can post roll eyes smilies till your head explodes but by the time you actually bore a 7M block to accept even thin wall sleeves you'll have broken through the web between the bores or have made it so thin it has 0 torsional rigidity.

The other "Tips" you suggest may work well on a domestic but NONE of the high hp 7M guys are using a filled block in a street car.

You've entered a Tech discussion on a specific subject with 2nd hand knowledge that's barely applicable.

If you don't know it's better to sit there and be thought a fool instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt....


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
wow, just read thread...

I would have thought more people would suggest ideas.. but then again it's been covered, more or less in other builds

if you had no budget, otherwise, psycho or trying to prove a point in a psycho way.... I guess..

I would suggest using a 90-92 7mgte block. a 6/7m crank balanced and knife edged, not to extreme. destressed, and polished. the whole crank, not just journals. reduces chance of a cracked crank.

I would use the best rod I could get my hands on, seems like pauter or carrols? is the best bet.

I would use good pistons, forged. cp,je, Wiseco "custom", possible probe.

I then would choose my fuel..

if I wanted pump gas I would need to look for a way to keep it from detonating. like water injection or meth injection.
may consider adding more than 10% ethanol into the fuel. (say 20-50%)

I would pump to a better stand alone then an aem unit,

the MoTeC m880 unit or their new top of the line unit with all of the gadgets.

I would data log each cylinder's afr(maybe multiple ox sensors' for gas afr, alcohol, methanol, nitromethane,propane.) egt, along with ignition timing of each cylinder.

an ati dampener balanced with the rest of your engine.

I would even consider having the block machined to accept custom 4 bolt main crank caps.. either that or having a custom CNC stainless steel or titanium crank girdle made.

if I had an un imaginable budget I would have a new head cast, and then offer it to the public to help ease cost.

other wise I would use a MHG that most people have good status with hat high horse power,
I would mirror the block and the head, and upgrade the head studs to say 12mm/14mm instead of 10mm (guessing)

I would probably pay a research lap to design a cam to work best with the porting or flow of the head to make max power.

I would have a dual stage injector set up, and run 1 fuel line to each rail from the tank, and flow twice of that of the pressure line.
I would use a smaller injector for idle and off idle and add the secondary set of injectors on when the first set reaching about 50% or duty.

as for the intercooler I would try some thing insane. run the a/c coolant to cool the intercooler, the intercooler would have to have an inner core that would be sealed from the charged intake air.
if you could design a working unit, in theory you could cool the incoming air charge roughly to 40* or even cooler. $$$$$$$

best bet would to test other fuels,

nitromethane comes to mind.. with proper tune and build I would imagine over 2500rwhp could be made on a 3L motor.

they make over 5k on 7L nitro drag motor's in the nhra.. that run 4.X seconds in the 1/4.....

so with enough money I suppose it's possible..


May 9, 2007
Grass Valley, CA
You're correct, I have no clue about the average wall thickness on the 7M, because the information isn't anywhere on this forum, or on any other that I could find. So in that case you might be right, but having siamesed bores has nothing to do with sleeving being effective or not.

It does sound doubtful to me that it isn't thick enough, considering people run the 7M out to a .060 overbore and the 3S, also a siamesed block, will accept .040 over. I have a set of chromoly steel sleeves sitting in my gen 1 3SGTE, these exact ones http://www.enginelogics.com/mrsleev.html Which are well proven at over 300/L

So if I'm wrong about the bore it will take, so be it, I can deal with that, but I want numbers on the wall thickness. I've seen way too many people say something can't be done to have it disproven later.

As for noone using the a filled deck, that is not a valid, nor a good reason not to do it. It will add rigidity, and that's reason enough to do it with this kind of build. At that kind of power level it is downright stupid to not do something that will improve the block if it is within your capability to do so and your goal is longevity.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Again you're making assumptions based on little to no knowledge......

Check the bore spacing on a 7M block then tell me if there's room to fit even thinwall sleeves without destroying any torsional strength the block may have.

The danger here is you sound like you know what you're talking about and some of the younger guys may head off in the wrong direction based on your posts.

We try and keep the tech section posts based on factual information not on "best guesses".

There's a HUGE difference between early and late blocks but even so I still wouldn't attempt a single sleeve let alone 6.

Hard Decking a block for a reliable street motor?

Don't think so..


May 9, 2007
Grass Valley, CA
So, in other words, you don't know the wall thickness, and you have no clue if a set of sleeves can be made to fit? Have you even contacted a company such as Darton to ask if it's possible to have a set made? Don't talk to me about best guesses, you have nothing to back up your statements. Your attitude is disgusting, I'm done here.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
IJ.;905024 said:
Hard Decking a block for a reliable street motor?

i searched and couldn't find any thing about it, i prolly dind't search enough but, would you not want to harden the deck due to heat transfer?

or is it a gasket sealing issue or block cracking?

i guess it's an old muscle car trick?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
MrWOT;905026 said:
So, in other words, you don't know the wall thickness, and you have no clue if a set of sleeves can be made to fit? Have you even contacted a company such as Darton to ask if it's possible to have a set made? Don't talk to me about best guesses, you have nothing to back up your statements. Your attitude is disgusting, I'm done here.

Wow cya!

(Yes I do KNOW it won't work)

My attitude might be "disgusting" as you put it but at least I'm not spewing shit about something I have NFI about trying to make it sound like I do.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Pimp: It's just filling the block so it's solid to just below the deck surface so water can still circulate around the head passages and yep it's an old Race car trick hardly applicable for a road car....

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
IJ.;905001 said:
If you don't know it's better to sit there and be thought a fool instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt....


Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words.

MrWOT;905020 said:
considering people run the 7M out to a .060 overbore

I have asked others that get into this sort of thing, and when the HKS big bore kit (85mm pistons) was still sold, the block was often compromised. It just was not intended by Toyota. You shouldn't try it.

IJ, you are probably familiar with this. Back when engine blocks were crap(from the factory), from GM, Ford, and the old Chrysler, builders filled the factory blocks with anything they could, including concrete. Now, it just isn't necessary. Besides, if you have the cash, you can buy race ready blocks from GM and Ford, with late model dimensions and bolt patterns.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Slow66;904574 said:
Is it surprising that a 24 year old doesn't own a house yet? ;) The Gf and i are gonna be house-hunting this year, actually. But i will say the past couple years i have been kinda irresponsible with my earnings......I figure if i don't do it now before kids and a house, etc, i'll never get to do it....lol.

When I was 24 I was earning a whopping $15,900 a year, lol poor. If I had half the money you do at that age... I would have bought a house early on. But then I've always wanted a house. Now that I have a house and a kid, I'll never be able to do what you're doing to your car. :wtc:

Congrats on the house hunting and have fun.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
I'm going to be brutally honest, and say that if you have to ASK FOR A PARTS LIST of what it will take to make 1000hp, you shouldn't even be considering it.

1000hp is NO JOKE. Honestly, 400rwhp will put you in the realm of 'HOLY SHIT HOLD ON' and make it easy to harm another on the street.

1000hp + inexperience = :thumbsdow


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Doward;905163 said:
I'm going to be brutally honest, and say that if you have to ASK FOR A PARTS LIST of what it will take to make 1000hp, you shouldn't even be considering it.

1000hp is NO JOKE. Honestly, 400rwhp will put you in the realm of 'HOLY SHIT HOLD ON' and make it easy to harm another on the street.

1000hp + inexperience = :thumbsdow

Well said good man!


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
MrWOT;905026 said:
So, in other words, you don't know the wall thickness, and you have no clue if a set of sleeves can be made to fit? Have you even contacted a company such as Darton to ask if it's possible to have a set made? Don't talk to me about best guesses, you have nothing to back up your statements. Your attitude is disgusting, I'm done here.
I feel compelled to point out that IJ is the only person (or company, for that matter) I've ever seen saw a head into chunks in order to understand how it is built.

I don't *think* he's done the same to a block. Yet. Even so, I'd take his advice if he were willing to hand it out. Among other things, I can count the number of times he's been proven wrong on my thumbs. Actually, I think I might only need one hand. And that wasn't dealing with an engine.