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  1. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Some one decided to be cute and put HTML in their comments. I fixed it so that HTML is no longer interpreted.
  2. swaq

    Vixens build thread!!!

    So Jay is going to be banned from the computer, is that what I'm hearing? :icon_razz
  3. swaq

    ***The Burgandy Supras Thread***

    I like that color, looks nice!
  4. swaq

    Say something about the person above you

    Has a lovely wife and a torqueless Supra
  5. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Thanks guys. I took a picture of every Supra that was there while I was around, 191 pictures total. I counted 39 Supras. :)
  6. swaq

    My New Daily

    Congrats, looks very clean. My fiancee's parents have a 2002 Camry and it's a really good car.
  7. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    I finally got my pictures up, and with a comment system that I coded from scratch today (so let me know if there are any bugs):
  8. swaq

    mid valley supra owner?

    He said he'd try to make it :)
  9. swaq

    I just found the funniest Supra vs Comparison article

    nice, I guess it just goes to show that you can make any car win a comparison if you want (makes me think of those 300ZX vs. Supra videos...)
  10. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Dr Mike posted up a picture that has me in it. It's from the back, but oh well. I'm the one on the very right in the grey Supra sweatshirt: (the pics I took will be up soon)
  11. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Never mind, figured it out. You were in the caravan coming up from Portland. I love your hood by the way. :)
  12. swaq

    Say something about the person above you

    Plays Halo
  13. swaq

    Mid Valley Oregon Meet

    2 weeks remaining!
  14. swaq

    Won a car show

    Congrats! I'd be surprised if your car couldn't win a car show. :love:
  15. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Which one was yours? Oh so that was you! Nice to be able to match up a screen name, except I forgot your name... :runaway: There's very little that can outdo Duane's motor. I'd say it was even nicer looking than the one in the trailered MKIV. :) You were the one with the blue MKIII...
  16. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    In a year I'll be in Arizona :aigo:
  17. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    Thanks! I liked yours too. :) Bummer being parked next to Duane though, most people probably didn't even notice yours. :icon_razz Heh, I didn't mean to get that sideways when leaving... Fun though :naughty:
  18. swaq

    PacNW Centralia Meet and Greet, Saturday April 21st 12pm, Centralia, WA

    I had a great time. It's nice to meet other Supra owners. Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to Nate, I must have not recognized him or something... I took 191 pictures! :aigo:
  19. swaq

    The long Awaited SupraHero 1JayZ Build

    I think it is/was for sale, I vaguely remember an advertisement video for it...
  20. swaq

    $10,000 for this Supra! outta his mind.

    Heh, seeing your car at that meet really made me want an 89+. I thought it looked great. :)