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  1. kelson

    Cops love our cars

    Same thing happened to my fiance. She drives a convertible 350z and she had a cop pull out beside her, then slow down and follow her for about a half mile before he pulled her over for having the registration tags covered by the license plate cover. its pretty obvious he just saw the car and...
  2. kelson

    Photoshoot: Norwegian MKIII on SSR's

    was the nose bent intentionally? because it look really uniform.
  3. kelson

    Guys That repainted thier car: Window molding suggestions. replace, repaint?

    I'm painting my car this weekend and I will do something with the trim. probably going to try to paint it. I'll post the results.
  4. kelson

    custom springs for $30

    Hello all, I cam across these today and though that I should share. What I've found is that you can get ksport coilover replacement springs for about $30 each. if you visit this website you will see that you can select an appropriate spring rate and overall length of the spring. I'm...