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  1. 88tsupra

    Who has an addiction with dumping wayy too much $$$ into their supra

    That 280 devil is insanely beautiful. I think I want one now.:sarcasm:
  2. 88tsupra

    Dyno meeting in holland

    Did anybody else see the flash of fire/light under the mk4 on the second video or was it just me?
  3. 88tsupra

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    It's ok you weren't the only one suprahero. I was sadden and jealous to find out he had another supra that runs. But nice trade for the white 92. I love white supras.
  4. 88tsupra

    RSR GT2 V.S. Apexi N1

    i had an apexi n1 and it was loud and at high way speed wasn't bad. I now have the rsr GT2 and omfg. My friends can hear me two blocks away. the Idle is beautiful, accelerating is stupid loud, and I haven't taking it on the high way yet. But I do know you will go death.:icon_evil
  5. 88tsupra

    Removing Stock Downpipe

    Soak it in pb blaster and or wd40 over night with a nice heavey soak. Makes it easy.
  6. 88tsupra

    CPS issues and hardwiring question

    I had the same problem as you. How long do you drive before your car dies. I usually drove my car for around 30 mins or so before it would stall and try to shut off. I too, used to move my cps wire to start it back up. But my main issue was not the cps wire or plug its self but my...
  7. 88tsupra

    How bad is brake boosting?

    I've done this once from a dead stop and I have to say it did launch way harder then just revving and dumping the clutch. MK3BRENT...LOVE the TURBO and CAR:aigo::aigo:
  8. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    I read it on Socal. But I don't think the supra would make it. Well it might.
  9. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    LMAO. you really did get butt hurt didn't you over nothing at all. If you don't know, I'll let you know, my supra isn't my DD my lexus is. I probably drive the supra but once a month at most.
  10. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    Thanks everyone I will be doing the test and check up on my day off next week. I just hope its a simple O2 sensor I need to replace.
  11. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    just means I'm a Gross Polluter
  12. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    Ok let me start off by stating the mods during the test. test was done today Bic un re-routed DDP 3inch high flow cat RSR GTII I left my Tial bov on just not hooked up, use the stock BOV and stock air box. CA smog test Test |RPM|%CO2|%o2 HC (PPM) CO(%) NO (PPM)...
  13. 88tsupra

    Need Help Failed emission badly.

    Ok let me start off by stating the mods during the test. test was done today Bic un re-routed DDP 3inch high flow cat RSR GTII I left my Tial bov on just not hooked up, use the stock BOV and stock air box. CA smog test Test HC (PPM) CO(%) NO...
  14. 88tsupra

    has anyone seem this front lip on mk3 supra

    Hey did you buy the gold supra from some guy in long beach, ca. that car looks really familiar
  15. 88tsupra

    Slow day at the shop so we ghetto fabbed something

    Nicely done. Love the dual N1 and sound.
  16. 88tsupra

    OMG it's finished!!!!

    I agree with IJ black primer would look nice. Heres hoping it keeps up with your abuse :icon_bigg
  17. 88tsupra

    OMG it's finished!!!!

    Very Very Nice. Is it still auto?
  18. 88tsupra

    1J Spring Break Build + MK2 7M Build

    Nice mk2 build. Now if only I can get my friend to build his mk2 like that.
  19. 88tsupra

    The Luxocruiser 3650 lb sled thread

    I love the stock look on the exhaust. I've never seen that one on the HKS website though. Good luck with your build up.
  20. 88tsupra

    anyone instrested in Titan 7mgte pistons

    /\/\/\ I would love to know how much too. As I'm looking forward to rebuilding my 7m soon and a good rod