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  1. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    thanks for the article. I have never broken in my brake pads (I've actually never heard of it, but it all makes really good sense) or rotors. Is it too late to do that now? Can I somehow roughen the surfaces of both pad and brake to start anew or would this require new components? This is...
  2. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    well it seems there was something wrong with the way I screwed the rear line into the MC because nothing was coming out (that is, I unhooked the lines at the caliper, metal-to-rubber connection, behind the fuel tank, at the proportioning valve and then finally at the MC) until I unscrewed it...
  3. K

    Tail light fitment?

    Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. I am going to go get these >:]
  4. K

    Tail light fitment?

    I have a 86.5 supra and have had a hole in my driver rear tail light since purchase. I had placed a small bit of aquarium adhesive over it with a small piece of plastic I had scratched up. It held up for awhile and was a little ugly, but it kept moisture and water out. I have a bit of extra...
  5. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    Well I did not get a chance to troubleshoot as much as I wanted this weekend, but I did order two speedbleeders for the rears. After putting the speedbleeders in and mashing on the brakes a lot I still didn't get any fluid :( So I took the bleeder screws out completely and still nothing...
  6. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    Sorry I've been absent in the thread. Sorry, I did not mention that I did in fact bench bleed the MC w/ the couplers and lines that it came with. Like I said, the problem was present long before I even went to a new MC. I have attempted bleeding several times since my last reply and the...
  7. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    yes I did, but after about 10-15mins of it just dribbling fluid out I gave up on them. :(
  8. K

    brakes won't bleed :(

    So I've been wrestling with my car the last two weeks trying to figure out what happened to the brake system (more on that in a moment). The car was at my mother's and I only really get sundays to go down to her place and work on it, so really only worked on it two days total plus today. It's my...
  9. K

    camry air flow meter?

    Sorry to be ignorant, but how would I check to see if it is in closed loop? I understand that closed loop is when the engine is getting readings from the o2 under certain conditions (engine temperature, throttle input etc). Thanks for being so helpful JJ!
  10. K

    camry air flow meter?

    well good news is that the rx-7 meter does work. Comparing the numbers on the unit reveals they are not the exact same unit. I have pictures but did not get a chance to upload them yet, I will here shortly. The external dimensions appear to be the same and the opening measured the same on the...
  11. K

    camry air flow meter?

    Thanks jj, I think what I am recalling from memory is wrong then, that is it must have been a different pin set, because there are defiantly drive ability issues. Again, I will check to see which one's when I get to my mom's tonight and report back with that and how the rx-7 afm works for me.
  12. K

    camry air flow meter?

    Is it possible to replace the thermistor? The more I think about it, the less sure I am of my memory. That is, I do not clearly recall which pins resistance were wrong from this weekend. I will have to check again when I go back to my mother's house where the car is. Makes sense. Another...
  13. K

    camry air flow meter?

    The reading between the third (E2 I believe) and seventh (THA) pins is wrong. When I opened it up these two have wires leading to air temp sensor. I assume the connection inside of there is bork'd. I am not familar with that term, mind explaining? I'll assume VAF = Variable Air Flow? Are...
  14. K

    camry air flow meter?

    Thanks for the info. I know the rotary is "rated" at 1.3L but effectively doubles it's displacement to 2.6L so it should be somewhat close? The 2VZFE is 2.5L as well so I'm not too sure how that will play out.
  15. K

    camry air flow meter?

    I appreciate that! I'm going to try and look at his tonight and take readings on it, maybe we can come to a conclusion between the two of us. What models are your referring to or know of? I can adapt an intake or filter if the dimensions or connections are different. It's the reading and...
  16. K

    camry air flow meter?

    my friend has a rx7 afm left over after a na to turbo swap. I'll take a look at it and report back here.
  17. K

    camry air flow meter?

    I've been searching for a way to be rid of my airflow meter since my third one just threw in the towel on me. I've gotten two from the junkyard previously, but after visting several this weekend I was unable to turn up any cressidias or supras that had an AFM on them. I was poking around...
  18. K


    well I've had it disconnected from the tranny before, I never noticed it broke into sections at all what so ever. does it differ from year to year? I have an 1986.5. Is there any after market alternative like an electronic sender?
  19. K


    Not certain, it's kind of in the middle? from about the point where the evap can is to down below the wheel well. I haven't seen where it disconnects?
  20. K


    ok so there was lube inside the cable housing? I am completely ignorant about how this works. So I will have to remove the cable from the cabin side and push it through the firewall?