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  1. MK3.0dudeman

    Clutch Pedal Adjustment/Free Play

    oo well it sounded like it.I'm getting out of my chair now and will be down in 3minutes and 42 seconds
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    How protective are you of your Supra?

    soooo you do that and your also parting out your car so they can't steal it? thats brilliant!!Way better than the ufc fights
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    taking a break from SM

    Don't worry bro it will all get better weather you get back with her or you find somone new or you just get over the whole thing by yourself things will get a lot better.But it's going to get worse befor it gets better.But I do have to say don't sell your supra because if thats your other love...
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    no way it's so warm up here.1200th post woot!!
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    New 6speed record holder..

  6. MK3.0dudeman

    Clutch Pedal Adjustment/Free Play

    grind gring grind is all I hear
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    How protective are you of your Supra?

    But no ufc fighter?you my friend are asking for your car to get stolen.
  8. MK3.0dudeman

    Absolute's 87' Overhaul

    wow nice build you got going on here.Your motor is going to look so effing nice when it's all together.
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    ^^+1 +1 your car is so nice
  10. MK3.0dudeman problems??

    ooo shit I think your stuff came to my house.The other day I got a box and upend it and it was a fpr kit for our cars.I'll give it to you for 65$ shipped...
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    Clutch Pedal Adjustment/Free Play

    you can't get it working cause your a old school noob(thats worse than just being a noob)
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    How protective are you of your Supra?

    The most important way is by not telling anyone or post how I protect it.
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    Best BMX Flatlander

    I've seen this dude befor.He's efffing nasty
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Car up and dies (no lights, hazards, any electrical)

    why the hell wont your car start?Stop using duck tape.
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    It's far from a sleeper

    It's far from a sleeper
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    Good old 7M pictures

    Thats how I want my motor to look and trust me it will when it comes out
  17. MK3.0dudeman

    Carson Howard Memorial Fund??

    Great idea.Because if this ever happend to me I would want good people like this helping out my loved ones
  18. MK3.0dudeman

    The CHRISTMAS Thread

    My wishs are that Christmas go's away and never comes back.It's only fun for kids.I wouldnt mind it if everybody didnt get so nutty over it
  19. MK3.0dudeman

    r154 vs w58 ?

    the W58 will hold just as long as you don't launch hard(but what fun is that)The R154 will take a hell of a beating and is the better trans with out a dout.If you have both go with the better one.R154.