Carson Howard Memorial Fund??


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
:icon_cry:How does everyone think about starting a memorial fund for his family?? Where we can send cards or money through Supra central.There's well over thousand members here, It concievable that we could collect up to thousand bucks or more. (or less).

Could Supra Central set up something like that where we can send money,cards and they pass it along to the family?

What do you guys think?? I think it would be very thought full, I think the family would like that.:icon_cry:

O.K. I've P.M.ed Grant, let's see what happens.

Go to POST #18 to see the official statement from the family.
- Supracentral
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mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
^ Im totally with you on this one, would be nice to donate to a family that is in need of support, just keep us updated on if this will be official or not and if we can donate thru paypal provide the email address.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Did you stop to think about the extra work for SupraCentral? Maybe get his brother that has been posting in his name to start a paypal account and then people can just send him money that way. He can also post up his address and people can send cards directly to them. It is a great idea, but one that doesn't need a middle man.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
suprahero;1194445 said:
Did you stop to think about the extra work for SupraCentral? Maybe get his brother that has been posting in his name to start a paypal account and then people can just send him money that way. He can also post up his address and people can send cards directly to them. It is a great idea, but one that doesn't need a middle man.

I agree with Jay. Try to contact Carsons brother Grant and run the idea by him. In the obituary, it asks for memorials to be made to an Autism foundation.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
gtsfirefighter;1194456 said:
I agree with Jay. Try to contact Carsons brother Grant and run the idea by him. In the obituary, it asks for memorials to be made to an Autism foundation.

I'd be glad to do the work, I only asked Supra Central to help is because I don't know how to get a hold of Grant, can some one help me with that?? I figured "Central has the contact infomation, I don't have that info. Should I "P.M" Grant here, maybe he'll answer?? When he's probaly really busy right now and doesn't want to be bother with this right now.

I don't feel like asking for private information, I really don't think Grants gonna give me his Private information to just anyone that he doesn't know.

I don't get the obituary that he has since we live in two seperate states

Three: I'm gonna need help on this, Some one give a suggestions on How I can do this and I'll do it. I first need some info on Grant.
Just wondering, sending memorial to the Autism Foundation, doesn't the money go to the Foundation and not to Carson's family?
Please, Don't missunderstand this post, I'm not mad, I'm only asking for help.
O.K. whats the first step?

P.S. I've P.M.ed Grant, let's see how it goes.
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Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
im in for this one.

first step s to contact grant via PM and explain to him what we want to do as a community.

second step, get a paypal addy and post it back on this thread.



Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
While I appreciate the vote of confidence, it would probably be better if the family set this up.

If you need my help, let me know.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Mike, I think one of the reasons he wanted you to handle it was the issue of trust. I agree with the no middleman method, because of pure common sense. But, if we were to send money to a middleman, people would be much more trusting of you than any regular member (including myself). You have a proven track record of high integrity.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
ForcedTorque;1194610 said:
Mike, I think one of the reasons he wanted you to handle it was the issue of trust. I agree with the no middleman method, because of pure common sense. But, if we were to send money to a middleman, people would be much more trusting of you than any regular member (including myself). You have a proven track record of high integrity.

Thank you very much Force, at least you see it my way, Yes, it is an issue of trust. Without Mike, where would some one send money or cards?? certinly not any member here. Hence, Supra Central. Mike would be the only one here that could get a hold of the Howards. (As far as I know) As he has already stated his willingnes to help. Also his "Proven track record of high intergery" However as mentioned earlier, if it's to much trouble( Which I agree) then,... I think direct would be the "best" answer, would be Via Pay pal account.

R.I.P. Carson
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Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
as always here comes logic.

Did they ask for money? Reason I ask is that they might not need it so has anyone contacted Carson's family and make sure they do in fact need it?


New Member
Dec 3, 2008
Knoxville, TN
Hello everyone. My name is Ryan Cooper and I am Carson (and Grant's) cousin. As you can imagine we are all terribly upset about Carson's passing but I read all the nice things you had to say about him and even though I know most of you had never met him in real life you did a good job of capturing is personality. He was such a good guy and he will be missed deeply by everyone who knew him.

Since the Howard family is busy making final arrangements for Carson and unable to be a part of this thread, I wanted to offer my assistance on their behalf.

Reneau Howard, Carson's mom has asked that if you wish to contribute money that donations be made in Carsons honor to the local Autism organization: Breakthrough Corporation, 1805 Maryville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920.

This information can be found in Carson's obituary at:

If you would like to send a note directly to Grant or his mom you can send the message to me via facebook (either friend me or just use the "send message function") and I will make sure that they recieve copies of any notes you send.

For general comments, there is also a Facebook memorial site set up for Carson @

If I can offer any additional help as an intermediary between the forum members and the Howards please let me know.

Stay safe,
Ryan Cooper
Ryan [at] thecooperproject [dawt] com