he's still kind of far from us.
I do agree that I don't think it's the fly wheel.Cee's set on thinking thats it.I think that he might have put somthing on wrong when he put the clutch together or I think it's the clutch folk isn't hooked up.
you should spend the money on welding the roof shut.:biglaugh: LOL
last time I checked tho this was a bumper thread so if you want to start a war put it in your sig or take your fight some were esle.Don't worry I'll fallow to saport the hard tops
I love that front bumber:love: I'm not a fan of the painted grille tho.
Now for the rest of the kit I have mix feelings about it but I think on a race car like yours it will look kick ass.More pics
btw great find!
nah OneJArp is just a copy cat ass hold who thinks he's cool.LOL but anyone is welcome to take the hard topper sign from me.I got it from supra central page.It's a decal but with a MKIV.I think I might get some decals made soon so I'll make a whole bunch to sell.
I don't think you could ceramic coat pistons or valves.LOL
You can ceramic coat exhaust manifolds,turbo housings,downpipes and almost anything you want to but you can't do anything internal wise.
p.s. were in Jersey do you live?
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