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  1. 91Supra313

    Exhaust recommendations please.

    You are correct kind sir. at least 18 inches downstream from the O2 sensor, and at a downward angle of 10*. So it would end up in the downpipe and not the elbow. Not even close.
  2. 91Supra313

    whats the best bearings for 7mgte

    hmmmm Learn something new every other day. Good point.
  3. 91Supra313

    whats the best bearings for 7mgte

    I used clevite bearings once..... of course they never failed so.....
  4. 91Supra313

    ARZ Oil Pipe torque specs?

    Would you be so kind as to maybe toss a price and part number or link pretty please with 93 octane on top?
  5. 91Supra313

    Targa Top Parts

    I will email my guy right now and find out for you. Should have the info by tomorrow if he can infact get his hands on it. I will let you know either way.
  6. 91Supra313

    when civic owners meet supras

    Is it just me or does everyone seem to have a story about a Honda? Nothing against you guys on here, but what makes those Civic and Integra owners think they are king's and queens of the road? I have learned over the years to watch who I laugh at on the street as I have had my fair share of...
  7. 91Supra313

    Targa Top Parts

    Yeah that is what he is talking about. Those are not glue or siliconed on by a previous owner. That is factory. You have to remember that years of it heating up in the sun, which melts it a bit, then it hardens again makes it move around a little. Mine was the exact same way when I did my full...
  8. 91Supra313

    latest vid of my widebody a70

    facebook one shows content unavailable
  9. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    Please let me know when my set ships. Did I let you know I have everything stock on mine for now. So I guess I need everything cut out for a stock setup. Both pieces.
  10. 91Supra313

    ARZ Oil Pipe torque specs?

    Please do with the pics. When I pull my 2J for refreshing, I will be putting one of these on as well.
  11. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    you have monies kind sir. 1 black fiber glass 1 Black Texalium
  12. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    My buddy wants a black fiber glass one. I am opting for the texalium, just a hue less then black. I am just waiting for the bank ( wife ) to ok this. Just spoke with her and we both agree that we have to wait until payday which is Friday. So it looks like both my texalium in damn near black...
  13. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    99% sure I want that smoked texalium one. I just don't know how dark you can make it. I don't want it to look like carbon fiber, but after talking with the wife she agrees that it needs to be dark. I might be placing a double order for a friend of mine. I will have to get in touch with him a...
  14. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    can we keep this even remotely on track here? This is about who is interested in this member's product, not a bash fest on those of that want it
  15. 91Supra313

    How reliable is the 7mgte?

    Those are hit and miss. More miss then hit though. I ordered one from Japan when I was stationed in Germany. Cylinder 1 and 2 has seized valves in there and 5 had bent valve stems. You could always buy mine. lol. 7500 and it is yours. Only needs paint and a few small pieces to be complete...
  16. 91Supra313

    question about electronics related to fuel pump and stereo system

    Ahhhhhhh Now I see what you are talking about now. I thought you meant power for the pump on its own. I didn't know a relay was going to be used there.
  17. 91Supra313

    Feeler on manufacturing Cooling panel

    Please for the love of good tell me there was sarcasm in this?! Either that or you have just not read anything in the entire thread.
  18. 91Supra313

    How reliable is the 7mgte?

    You can have driftmotion do the whole thing for about 5500, or you can piece it all together yourself for about the same price maybe a few bucks less. Depends on how you get all of your parts ie; new or used. I got this car from another member on here and it was a pure nightmare to get it...
  19. 91Supra313

    How reliable is the 7mgte?

    Thanks for adding that...pain killers make me forget some things. My turbo is good. I am pushing 18psi through it right now on the 2J.....oh meant the OP.....