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  1. OneJArpus

    Questions concerning Fuel Cut

    Yea just bidded on one. I have a bad sputtering issue. Any time the car see's any positive boost it starts to sputter. Time to go back into my wiring and make sure it is ok with the SAFC. ugh. Plus i have a leaky injector :( dammit!
  2. OneJArpus

    Need help ! What injectors are those ?

    pull them out see if you can get a # and name off of them then do some research on what you have.
  3. OneJArpus

    how many pounds of boost can a 7m handle??

    The question is, how much boost can YOUR motor handle. Miles, etc etc and if its in good shape. Just remember, boost is different for different turbo's. 30 PSI on a small turbo might be the same as 20 on a huge turbo. Just an example.
  4. OneJArpus

    stock lsd, how do you it has it?

    I just realized this thread is from 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoW WTF?! lol
  5. OneJArpus

    Underhood cooling

    pics of engine bay.... NOW
  6. OneJArpus

    1jz y-pipes

    Totally up to u seeing you just spent money rebuilding the twins. I'd say do it.
  7. OneJArpus

    Questions concerning Fuel Cut

    Great, then i'll just get a 3bar map sensor, do you know the part # or which chevy it comes off of that is 3bar? Also, how would i setup the SAFC to control the map and how would i know what # it is for the safc. I was reading the directions for the safc and the jza has a PR1 some have PR3 etc etc
  8. OneJArpus

    Questions concerning Fuel Cut

    I don't plan on running anything over 2bar so even if it were a 2bar sensor would it still work. Also, will i need to install a FCD?
  9. OneJArpus

    Charcoal Canister Replacement

    Find one from a 1JZ, i just sold mine to my buddy. It was TINY! compared to the ones pictured.
  10. OneJArpus

    new +89 bodytrim kit in fiberglass with pics.

    That looks pretty cool. Good work
  11. OneJArpus

    Block coming from Machine SHop... PICS

    lol, i think that's what he is stating. LOL That just looks BAD!.
  12. OneJArpus

    Creator of Lexus LFA dies in crash in LFA near the ring?

    wow, bummer, i wonder what may have caused him to die on the spot. Safety of the car? G's? Hate how the front end of the LFA looks like paper shreds while the bimmer looks like it was in an accident vs a paper shredder
  13. OneJArpus

    What Happened to SupraSport?!?

    Yea dude get your cash back.... i order from DM or venders n fs section
  14. OneJArpus

    World's First Electric Supra

    wow, pretty crazy! LOL Good stuff. How far can you drive before it dies?
  15. OneJArpus

    6 puck or Full face clutch?

    What company? Search TSRM on google for the repair manual. Off the top of my head Disconnect battery Remove radio bezel, remove shfiter asy Jack up Car Disconnect the following; Downpipe, driveshaft center support bearing, driveshaft safety bar, remove slave cyl, disconnect line to slave and...
  16. OneJArpus

    Carbon fiber trim progress.

    i like the LED turns.
  17. OneJArpus

    Tips on removing stock y pipe???????

    i like my hydrofan, if and when it fails i'll just upgrade to E-Fans as i'll have no other choice. 2J clutch&fan won't work with my Koyo
  18. OneJArpus

    Tips on removing stock y pipe???????

    put the wideband on the DP instead of the y pipe! if that is the only reason your taking e.the y pipe off! Save yourself the troubl
  19. OneJArpus

    Questions concerning Fuel Cut

    Thanks evil, seeing as i just crashed my cavalier imma pull the GM Map sensor off of it and wire it in LOL. Thats if it isn't fucked. I can use the GM Map and my current setup no problems? And would i need the FCD still because of the stock ECU reading teh voltage off of the map above 14.7?
  20. OneJArpus

    Dear IJ...

    i don't mind spiders, but something that EFFIN big i'd be in the corner rocking.... not crying lol