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  1. becauseican

    Installed 3.5" BIC Thunder Catback ***Pics***

    Here is a sound clip, its actually a clip for the exact system that on your car. I do have some WOT flyby's on disk, but I need to get it formatted and hosted in my site, but here is an idleing clip for now: right click, save as...
  2. becauseican

    Quick vacume hose question

    Thanks for the pic, thats what I was looking for. But I have removed my charcol can, but now I know for sure. Which hose/port is supposed to go to the heater control valve?
  3. becauseican

    Diagnostic code 13.......check engine light

    yes that the one, well there is two of them there by the fuel rail area. I think the oil comes through the sensor itself, scince the sensor is inside the head where its bathed and surrounded by oil.
  4. becauseican

    Quick vacume hose question

    After the my engine replacement, there is one hose I cant figure out. Its the small hose coming off the bottom of the TB with the blue check valve. Now I have eliminated the metal pipes that are attached to the intake mani, and rerpouted them. I have searched the vaccume hose routing pic on...
  5. becauseican

    Diagnostic code 13.......check engine light

    Well I figured it out yesterday, I checked the resistance on the cam, and crank sensors, and one of the cam sensors was toast. I replaced it with one from my old engine, and the light and code is gone!!!
  6. becauseican

    Diagnostic code 13.......check engine light

    Yes the car runs great, no misses or pops anywhere. I also checked the spark plugs and there was no sign of detonation. I guess I will kepp checking things. Can anyone confirm if code 13 involves the cam sensors too?
  7. becauseican

    Diagnostic code 13.......check engine light

    Well, I finally got my car running again with a new engine......I think the bad CPS wiring at the plug caused the detonation death of the last engine, the last 1/8" of wires were bare and frayed, most likely touching each other at the plug. So I found another plug and wired it in. Now I have...
  8. becauseican


    I have the CSF, and I am not too happy with it, it fits ok I guess. The Koyo is a way better quallity part, I would get that hands down over the CSF.
  9. becauseican

    1jz carnage pics !!!

    Well I think I found the culprit that killed the motor........I found that the CPS sensor wires wire really bad right at the plug, there is no insulation left on the wire at the bottom 1/8" or so. I think that the wires ended up touching eachother scince they are a litte frayed and that messed...
  10. becauseican

    JZA70 vs MA70 exhaust different lengths?

    The JDM jza70 exhausts are 1" shorter, and the jza70 cat is 1" longer. Stock cat is 11 3/8" long and the jza70 cat is 12 3/8" long. Yes I do make a 1" longer testpipe for JDM equipped cars, the BIC 3.5" catback is adjustable, you can slide it apart if you need the extra inch when ordered with...
  11. becauseican

    1jz carnage pics !!!

    Well I accidentally did 27 psi boost on the street after a dyno session when my boost controller hose blew off, but I did have a 30-50% C-16 mix in the tank but it was only tuned for about 21 psi. A few weeks later the detonation actually happened at only 14 psi boost right after I filled up the...
  12. becauseican

    which turbo to pick

    I think the .58 is perfect for the 1jz, however it might surge on the 1jz. I know that the t67 .58 will surge on the 2jz, so it might on the 1jz also.
  13. becauseican

    1jz carnage pics !!!

    Actually the top ring is pinched and doesnt move.
  14. becauseican

    1jz carnage pics !!!

    I melted 5 pistons, only #3 survived. I am not sure what happened, I think 27psi (oops) bad gas and a malfunctioning Emanage may have caused this.
  15. becauseican

    1jz carnage pics !!!

    Well I finally have gotten around to post the pics of my old engine, I had some slight detonation to say the least, 5 out of 6 pistons looked like this, and tthe head was hammered just as bad. Also check out the headgasket, it has been blown out too. Look how cute the rods are, the are so short...
  16. becauseican

    1jz ignition upgrades ???

    Yes but most if not every 1jz/2jz coil I have seen are cracked. I had spark blow out past 20 psi boost. But stay away from the AEM CDI, they dont seem to work for long.
  17. becauseican


    I should be at this one !!!, I went back in '04 and it was great fun. I'll be driving down from Vancouver Canada (about 24 hour drive) again so you Cali people have nothing to complain about. We should definatly start a Canadian, NW states convoy. In '04 we met up with washington, Oregon and...
  18. becauseican

    Water Jet!

    The tips are made from Tungsten, the same material as TIG welding electrodes, which is one of the hardest metals out there. Water jetting is pretty neat as I have some of my parts waterjet cut.
  19. becauseican

    SP/PT61 turbo, did I get the right one??

    I just got my turbo from SP yesterday, I ordered a DBB pt61 with a P trim wheel and .58 turbine housing (its going on a 1JZ). Anyways I took it out of the box and noticed the turbine wheel was allot smaller than the last turbo I had with a P trim turbine. The measurements of mine are 56.20mm...
  20. becauseican

    Finally - Ebay Intercoolers with endtanks that are worth a damn

    I agree, the Precision intercoolers are very nice quality, and fit great in the MK3. Lots of those E-bay IC's will flow lots, but I really wonder how well the cool the charge scince the internal fins are spaced far apart, and there is very little internal surface area to cool the charge. I would...