I hope this is the right forum to post this in.
Well I just recently install one of the BIC 3.5" Thunder catbacks and man is it a gorgous unit. It fit all the stock hangers perfectly with no modification and it sits nice and tight to the underside of the car without touching anything. The sound is amazing. Its unlocked that JZ motor growl at WOT that i've been dying to have since I bought the car and boost response has picked up from the larger piping. It is a little bit loud but I like my car like that so I'm very happy with it! Now on with the pics...
Well I just recently install one of the BIC 3.5" Thunder catbacks and man is it a gorgous unit. It fit all the stock hangers perfectly with no modification and it sits nice and tight to the underside of the car without touching anything. The sound is amazing. Its unlocked that JZ motor growl at WOT that i've been dying to have since I bought the car and boost response has picked up from the larger piping. It is a little bit loud but I like my car like that so I'm very happy with it! Now on with the pics...
