Search results

  1. Figit090

    Need a 7MGE Oil Pan expert... 86.5

    good idea! i kept thinking of something small, but take that idea and get a large piece of cardbord, or just enough so you can span most of the distance from the rear of the pan to the hole and keep it in place while you scoot the magnet... low noise and hopefully you can hear the bolt rattle...
  2. Figit090

    Need a 7MGE Oil Pan expert... 86.5

    neodymium magnets are extremely strong. the wrong pair can literally crush your fingers and come with a warning label...dont get ones THAT strong. but a weaker one you can pry off of metal should it get out of hand. if it were me i would try to somehow suspend the magnet just a bit away...
  3. Figit090

    blown head gasket help!! questions

    i agree with spending money to make it bulletproof and perfectly reliably running rather than porting and polishing. if you go for higher horsepower and throw a rod/get rod knock because you didnt choose to check up on the bottom end you'll be sorry and you'll loose more than 600 dollars... i...
  4. Figit090

    Car shuts off when decellerating

    just a wild guess...have you checked your timing? if the plug wires were misplaced i'd suspect other tuning issues and since the plug wires were messed up maybe the dizzy wasn't replaced or tightened correctly after it was removed or adjusted.
  5. Figit090

    Coolant Hose/leak Question

    its probably the hose. i suggest you invest in a new one as well as screw-style clamps rather than the wire ones you can currently see pinching the crap out of stock hoses. that hose leaked on my GE. i'd drain the coolant, or just some of it depending on when it was last flushed, and remove...
  6. Figit090

    Need a 7MGE Oil Pan expert... 86.5

    drilling a hole will get metal shards into the pan welding...i dunno. are you good at it? are you ever going to sell the car? i'd be really worried if i saw a hole CUT in the oil pan. if you're going to do all that i'd just drop it... Here's an idea...i dont know if it's feasable because...
  7. Figit090

    Face to names

    i liked it as well. and i agree. but i've been wondering, since its new, shouldnt it be safer? or are all supercars not really geared for safety? because i'd rather drop 50k into a supra than buy a new corvette...i think. but then would the dated chassis design be kinda dangerous compared...
  8. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    yeah....uhm. not really turning out how i expected, to say the
  9. Figit090

    go-kart w/ lawnmower engine, help!

    man that sucks! good luck paying that off. i'm not sure what i'm going to do. i have to research that quad some more.
  10. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    yeah you're probably right. well i have a good running 12.5 hp so i'll stick with that i think then. thanks for your help.
  11. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    nothing to loose except my time and money scrapping the shell. but you have a point. i need to find out a bit more though because i dont need extra junk. once i find out more about it's specs... otherwise i'm perfectly content with the lawn tractor thing. but i was thinking a...
  12. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    haha..must be why it bent like a cracker. so i'm guessing by that you also mean the engine isnt worth a hoot?
  13. Figit090

    What does your screenname mean?

    there is or rather was a stupid car club in my area called EMIK. oddly enough.
  14. Figit090

    What does your screenname mean?

    Figit - My cat's name. given to him by one of my best friends. and no, he's actually quite chill with the world and doesnt "figit" at all. 090 - some stupid number AIM allowed me to use tacked on to "Figit" because some ass already had "Figit" and I needed to add something different. and...
  15. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    I found this quad that's been wrecked and for those following the gokart thread i'm going to build one using a lawn tractor engine but this type of engine has also been a consideration. basically the kid bailed and sent the quad tumbling to its demise, and this is how it sits however many...
  16. Figit090

    go-kart w/ lawnmower engine, help!

    did he have a roll bar? a 13 hp on a small 5hp frame is stupid IMO. i wanted to do something like that, maybe an onroad thing but now that i think about it, anything not designed by an engineer and made well enough to last production runs isn't safe enough to not have something protecting you...
  17. Figit090

    I need lots of help picking a laptop for college...i'm SOO lost on this one!

    I'm going to get a laptop for college but i'm not sure what's good, what i need , or what to look for once i know what i need...if i was shopping for a PC i could do it myself but frankly this is a whole new ballpark. my parents want to get me what i NEED, but they said i could get what i...
  18. Figit090

    China makes cheap cars to compete with big auto in US/EU/JP

    Isuzu trooper? someone in the youtube comments said they had it because they had a trooper but it looks shorter... so this is a whole new carmaker right? not a Chinese takeover of a proven design? because it does look a lot like a trooper. one of those couldnt make it over here could it...
  19. Figit090

    go-kart w/ lawnmower engine, help!

    ok guys! update! I found a new engine! well, its used, but looks to be in great condition because the case has no surface rust, and the owner said he kept up with the oil changes and maintenance on the engine but the rust got to the mowing deck and its shot so 3 years ago it went into storage...
  20. Figit090

    Question about Chevron Techron

    *cough* payed off *cough* I dont really know nor do i think that per say, but its a thought. maybe i'll check out chevron. too bad i've had cars run crappy on shell and we only have union 76 and shell in my town!!! :3d_frown: oh yeah and "bigfoot" gas