Search results

  1. becauseican

    Guaging interest...Who wants my twin GT28R turbo kit?

    No thanks, I am actually getting married in three weeks Wooo wooo. Again I could leave out the turbos if you want to save $1100.
  2. becauseican

    Guaging interest...Who wants my twin GT28R turbo kit?

    Somebody must want a one of a kind bolt on easy 500 hp turbo set up????
  3. becauseican

    I smell a law suit...

    Thanks for the support guys. I do stand behind my products, and test them before they get sold. By the way I am having sale on my parts, for about another week or so, including downpipes, testpipes and engine brackets, 15% off, which come out to over $50 off on the DDP!!!!
  4. becauseican

    modified turbo header (2j to 7m)

    Nice work, building the collectors is by far the hardest and most time onsuming part of building a tubul;ar manifold.
  5. becauseican

    I smell a law suit...

    Wow, I go away for a weekend and all this drama happens....... this is pretty dissapointing actually, here is the story. I sold this guy (Bo) aka zoonwhatever, a downpipe in July of this year, now like 2 months later he is trying to sell them under his own name with China made replica's. You...
  6. becauseican

    n/a cams = turbo cams?

    I had some cams machined for my 1jz at a custom cam shop and I asked about the 7m cams, he looked in his spec book and told me that the n/a cams had like 3 degrees more duration, which is almost nothing. He said it wouldnt be worth the work or money unless you needed to replace your cams anyway...
  7. becauseican

    BIC Performance 1jz 3" downpipe now available

    Here is some pics. I dont think I will build a Y pipe, I cant compete with the pricing of the E-bay one, and its a llot of time to make one of those, I know becuase I made the original one that ended up being copied and made in China.
  8. becauseican

    Nightpager brakes installed and new wheels, BIG PICS!!

    The kit is just a pair of bolt on brackets and a few bolts, you just need to find your own calipers, pads and rotors, I was able to use stock replacement Earls SS brake lines , so I assume stock lines will work too. The specs for the centering ring needed for the 350Z track rotors, the...
  9. becauseican

    emissions please explain

    LOL, I just passed emmissions testing with a single stock cat, twin gt28R turbo's, 750cc injectors, and an Emanage ecu. There was no visual insepction though, but 500 hp and passes emmissions is pretty good.
  10. becauseican

    New Product, BIC 3.5" Thunder cat back exhaust

    Well, bring your car down and we will put one on........:biglaugh:
  11. becauseican

    New Product, BIC 3.5" Thunder cat back exhaust

    After months of waiting the BIC 3.5" Thunder cat back is now on available!! see the thread in the BIC section below:
  12. becauseican

    BIC Performance 1jz 3" downpipe now available

    I have had many requests for this part, so now, just released is the BIC 3" 1jz downpipe. Click on the link in the BIC section for more info:
  13. becauseican

    Nightpager brakes installed and new wheels, BIG PICS!!

    Well I finally have got around to posting some pics of my new wheels and the Night Pager BBK that I installed. Firts about the brakes. I used some original Night Pager brakets, with 350Z track pack slotted Brembo rotors ( 13.1" x about 1.25" thick), 300zx aluminum 4 piston calipers with Hawk...
  14. becauseican

    Guaging interest...Who wants my twin GT28R turbo kit?

    I am in no rush to sell it. I have some people interested in the turbos so if someone wants to get it without turbos, and save some one here is your chance.
  15. becauseican

    Do I really need to change the water pump and hydro fan?

    The 2jz mechanical (clutch type) fan also works really good and is reliable as you can get.
  16. becauseican

    ddp question

    The ddp does not neccisarrily raise you boost by itself. Some people see an increase of 1-2 psi after installing it. Every car is different and really depends on the condition of the turbo, actuator and engine. Some people also run with a shimmed wastegate actuator, which will cause the boost to...
  17. becauseican

    CLUTCH INFO for the Street driven Supra

    I have a sindered Iron 6 puck spung disk that I got from Competition clutch, about a year and a half ago. I wonder if it is the same as the one you use?. The clutch doesnt like to be slipped, like when trying to slowly drive up a steep driveway or something, it starts to make an amost grinding/...
  18. becauseican

    Guaging interest...Who wants my twin GT28R turbo kit?

    I think I would rather sell it as a full kit, but buying it with out the turbo's will allow someone to put something bigger on like gt28rs or gt2871 and make 600-700 rwhp. Dont make me ebay this stuff......
  19. becauseican

    Guaging interest...Who wants my twin GT28R turbo kit?

    I would possibly sell the turbos seperatly, $1100 for the pair + shipping.