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  1. tte

    Supra is PAINTED!!! pics inside! (56k no)

    Just like my car but I havent washed n waxed my car for a long time. Great job. Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    high powered NA!

    Didnt someone in the forums make 300-250 hp in his N/A? I cant remember where I read it...I think it was a while back on SOGI... I think 300-350hp is possible on NA Supra..I mean I have seen 4age 1.8liter and 2.0 liter 4 cylinder motors put out 300 hp without turbo. so why cant the N/A Supra...
  3. tte

    This is how tax cuts really work

    I agree with Supra Central...Although I am not wealthy, I agree. I hear so many poor people complain about the rich. The rich have gotten there because of hard work and the right choices in life. The rich esp those who have companies are able to make use of those tax breaks and so on...
  4. tte

    I cant belive i made on of these threads

    I think subject A (guy) likes subject B (girl) and you are a guy... I would say it is upto the girl to let him know...just tell him to be brave and ask her out and she will give her answer...yes or no..then he will know if she likes him or not. Cheers, Roy
  5. tte

    IJ - SERIOUS question

    I am sure there is alot of qualified people out there who knows stuff abut cars. But i think the best people who know alot about the supra come on SM. Members here have alot of experience with the supra and most of all are supra fanatics.I do not think that you will be able find a much better...
  6. tte

    Water as a fuel??? Watch this....

    I doubt it would ever be sold for the public to replace gasoline as automotive fuel. The big oil companies and all the politics involved will never allow it. Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    needed someone to talk to ( in a sense)

    Everything happens for a reason...Maybe in the present you will not understand why it happened, but in the future you will know why...when bad things happen to me, I always think its because a much better plan is around the corner. Breakup is hard at times but it makes you stronger. You learn...
  8. tte

    How to save money

    Its good to save money..Once you start saving money in your bank account and see the amount you are saving, you will be motivated to save more and more. I think its good to have at least 6 months salary saved up..Believe me when you save thousands, you will get used to seeing them in your bank...
  9. tte

    How to save money

    Do not buy fast food n sodas...Not only do you save money but also your health. I do that...I dont buy burgers..I just make my own sandwiches. I always think before I buy something..."Do I really need this" And do not take too much money when you go out...its temptin to use it all...
  10. tte

    WHICH ONE...

  11. tte

    MK4 Climate control

    Can the mk4 climate control work on our cars or do we need to rewire it to work on our cars? Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    Just found out that my sons soccer coach

    Lol..I was thinking the same thing when I read the sunject line... Sex offender. Funny how we all jump to conclusions when we hear a certain couple of words. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Mirror Glass?

    Or you could ask one of the supra guys from here in Australia, New Zealand or Europe to go get a good working pair from the junkyard and you paypal them the money. Cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    Rolling Back Miles On Odometer...

    I am sure he knows it is illegal. But he asked if anyone knew how to do it. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    What Gauges Should I Buy?

    I think the 52mm gauges look better than 60mm ones. Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    Gone Single & Never Knew It Would Be SOO Fun

    Once a girl cheats, she is out...End of Story. It will save all the headaches in the future.... I am sure you would not settle for a Honda if you have your mind firmly set on a Supra...same thing...I know you do not want a girl who why be with a cheater? Move On and Rock...
  17. tte

    Anyone else E-File their taxes?

    The funny thing is H&R block fucked up on their company's filings too. Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Post a pic of yourself - in light of IJ's Community thread.

    Lol... Trying a fooling a militray Well spotted Rakkasan. Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    88 Mk3 with R154 gearbox

    I will go see them tommorrow and buy it... cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    88 Mk3 with R154 gearbox

    Hey guys, I have seen a supra with a complete engine and R154 gearbox in the junkyard. I am thinking of buying the engine and tranny for the futire. What do u guys think? Cheers, Roy