won the BullRun (Cannonball Run) last year. :icon_bigg Cool guy, plus his daily driver is an Astin Martin....
There is more to life than driving cross country doing 150mph! Although most of the rest suxamericanjebus said:and wuts a rich dude like that doing coaching kids soccer?
americanjebus said:do what he won it in?
and wuts a rich dude like that doing coaching kids soccer?
kwnate said:I thought you were going to say: is a registered sex offender:aigo:
Cannon ball run! Thats some crazy shit:evil2:
Yea Nate, you could drive the KW!!!supraman2251 said:wanna come on one?
everett to portland and back?
me in my new little buzzbomb, my friend in his FC, and a few other people?
rakkasan said:Wait until you have kids, they're cool as shit to be around.