Clint, you keep your car registered while working on it and having it down so long?
Can't do that up here in NY, all your build money would go to insurance.
I am a little lost. Why do you want to run a 4Runner cap?
If you need help, there is a sticky in the JZ section relating to GE-T swaps.
Veedubin is currently doing a GE-T build, contact him for any info you need. He has a build in the build section.
Are you going to replace those Phillips head screws with nice 10MM ones? You might want to replace the O-rings for the oil cooler. The full set cost less than 20 bucks from Curt at Elmhurst. It's annoying to do in the car and while your at it, the coolant lines would be good to.
They are on the list of things to check, not the first. He asked how to test so I answered. Sorry, I like to rule out anything. OneJAprus has a sputtering issue which was caused by his rear cam sensor. Doesn't hurt to check at all.
Not trying to steal credit, why on earth would I do that...
You will need a scope to test the cam sensors, if you don't have one, check their resistance according to the TSRM which can be found in the JZ link in my signature.
Get some starting fluid, spray it in the intake. Start and see what happens. If it idles longer than what it does now...
It's always a smart thing to eliminate after you get it working and the check connector isn't something you want to eliminate when on a stock ECU...
Tried a different MAP sensor? What is the voltage it is putting out when the key is on and when car is idling?
Why would you think the knock...
We have to start checking all sensors now.
First pop open ECU, check the caps.
Test for continuity of wires back to the ECU for all of these sensors. Listed in order of priority.
Cam/Crank Sensor
Is your check engine light working?
When you say, it is not giving codes...
When you say unplug number one cylinder wire, do you mean off the plug itself or up off the coil pack?
You might have some bad CPS wires or a maybe of you have to unplug one number cylinder wire up top from the coil pack itself, maybe bad wires there.
Check the CPS wires. They are on the...
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