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  1. tte

    Check this out....

    Found this on a person's myspace.
  2. tte

    What do you think of this Cast T04 style manifold?

    Anyone using this? Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    V8 swaps

    Fucking Aye SC. Its more fun to work on the 7m and more of a challenge to make big HP out of our 3.0 liter. And once you do it, you know you have learnt alot about engines. Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    Looking for opinions on this intercooler kit

    Just buy a intercooler from DriftMotion (Aaron) AND 2.5" intercooling tubing from ebay...Would cost you almost the same. That way you know you have a good intercooler. Cheers, Roy
  5. tte

    7MGTE auto to manual R154 conversion HELP!

    Your best bet is to find a Supra guy who lives in your area and know how to do the conversion. That way you will feel confident that it is done right and also it will be done alot faster. Cheers, Roy
  6. tte

    Give your PC a shower!

    Would be alot easier to put a password on it. Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    MAP-ECU Tuning

    Nice work SC....well detailed explanation... Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    Pre-build discussion (7MGTE)

    I heard the same...Years back I bought Total Seal rings some from a Topend Performance in LA. They use them in their 7ms. I did not use them because I heard they did not seal properly on our cars. Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    Pre-build discussion (7MGTE)

    I got my machine shop to order the Clevitte 77 bearings for me. He called his supplier in front of me and it cost me only $60 for both the rod and main bearings. So yes, you can find good deals out there. Cheers, Roy
  10. tte

    GE vs. GTE

    Yeah same here...A friend used to have the 2 liter twin turbo version.I thought that was fast. When I bought my 3 liter turbo, I thought the 2 liter ones were gutless. Cheers, Roy
  11. tte

    7m oil pump

    :icon_bigg I WAS GONNA SAY THE SAME!!!! He just couldnt stay away from SM forever. Once you go SM, you never go back. Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    Iranians outraged over hit movie ‘300’

    Fuck them...if they dont like it, dont watch it. We dont go into Iran complaining about all the shit they brainwash their people about the Western world or burn their flags or become suicide bombers. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte


    Hey posts pics of you and your car so I can watch out and stay clear... cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    7m oil pump

    Anyone ever used this oil pump? I heard that the 7mge and 7mgte pump is different... Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    where does this plug go?

    It plugs into one of the VSV units. There is a EGR2 VSV and a Fuel Pressure VSV under the intake manifold. Here is the link for it. The link shows the vacuum lines hookup but each VSV has a electrical connector for your plug. Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    Mechanic: I have sex with cars

    :rofl: This guy is :nuts: .I bet he works on cars with a boner and he must :squirt-mo on them when he's done. Imagine if the car had ::bhg:: and he got coolant on his dick. Probably would give him a rash. And what part of the car would he see as :boobs: ? Cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    Soldering Skills

    Jeff is correct about the pad coming off the pcb. You could : 1/. Mount that IC upside down on another small blank pcb using a hot glue gun. 2/. Put a dab of hot glue on the main pcb and sit the small pcb on it. 3./ Solders the pins. Make sure you solder the un used pins to their...
  18. tte

    reusing stock rod bolts for a rebuild?

    I reused the stock rod bolts for 3 years now without any problems. But I think if i had the chance again before i would have just used ARP bolts. Its not very expensive and while the block is apart, might has well do it. Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    map ecu install pics :)

    Hmmmm...Looks good I was also thinking of trying out the MAp ECU... Its made in Australia for Powerhouse racing... Cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    Anyone here using titan head gaskets?

    just my opinion, but: 9 times out of 10, if not 10 times out of 10, the reason an MHG blows is the owners fault, not the manufacturer... I agree...Good stuff guys..and thanks for all the info... Cheers, Roy