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  1. OneJArpus

    Need Input on Clutch Kit decision

    Southbend clutches are good I have that ACT clutch kit. Got it new with my 1J BPU... once it starts to slip with this setup i'll just replace the disc.
  2. OneJArpus

    Need help sorting this mess of vacuum lines out Please.

    Can you post pictures of said FP gauge inside the car? I would remove that and put it under the hood... having a fuel line run into the cabin is a NO NO... huge fire hazard.
  3. OneJArpus

    Your favorite CCW wheel

    i voted LM20
  4. OneJArpus

    Saying Goodbye to Mother, Enjoy.

  5. OneJArpus

    37k = phone bill??

  6. OneJArpus

    Police car auctions $500

    i should start looking for places near me
  7. OneJArpus

    1jzgte, what kind of gasoline do you use?

    I run 93 unleaded fuel only in my supra. The lowest i'd run is 92/91. I would not run 87/89 octane fuel. Unleaded won't mess anything up but leaded will destroy sensors. running regular as long as you are not boosting often or pinging the motor, i would only run that if i was far away fromm home...
  8. OneJArpus

    Easy wire question... I hope...

    Which 1J? JZA70? I had a round connector on mine.
  9. OneJArpus

    Im I being an ass&^$*? Sean Palmquist

    What did you ask for that he quoted you almost 1,000.... i got a quote a month or two ago to redo my entire harness. Thats all new wires, clips, and the good wire wrap and he told me 1K give or take a few bucks....
  10. OneJArpus

    Easy wire question... I hope...

    Thats the Air Intake Temp Sensor, 1J or 2J engine?
  11. OneJArpus

    Im I being an ass&^$*? Sean Palmquist

    I would just wait it out another week with 1 to 2 emails to him to see the progress and what is the delay in shipping.
  12. OneJArpus

    Carbon fiber feeler

    entire CF body inside and out.
  13. OneJArpus

    2jzge-T reliability???

    not a 2jzge-t but a 1.5jz swap here n mine runs fine. after build i put 3k on her and so far so good
  14. OneJArpus

    DUTCH TOYOTA SUPRA MK3 1jz swap manual lots of info!

    WOW, great looking thread. I use Google chrome and it automatically translates from dutch to english
  15. OneJArpus

    Insurance adjuster to see my Supra, tips?

    When the adjuster looks at the car no matter his offer get a quote on to fix the car properly.
  16. OneJArpus

    catalytic converter

    i have a highflow cat if your interested but its 3" in and out. LMK PM sent
  17. OneJArpus

    ID my rims please

    LOL @ Sebring wheels
  18. OneJArpus

    Engine importer

    check out engine depot in kearny NJ or japanese engines. I've used them before they are pretty good. My friend got a 2jz from and my shop purchases reg honda and toyota engines from them and they are all working great in our customer cars
  19. OneJArpus

    Carbon Fiber Inspection Covers---Really!? WTF is up with this!? Seriously LOL
  20. OneJArpus

    will my stock fuel pump be fine to run if im just running my 1jz stock and untuned?

    Yea but if you ever plan on more power make sure thats on the to do list