Im I being an ass&^$*? Sean Palmquist


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
Guys, I have a question to ask all of you. Please be brutally honest!

Here is my situation, I will try to keep it short.

I'm in the middle of a build, a 2jzgte into a 91 Supra, (see it here: and I tried to plan and scheule everthing so that it would al fall in place at the same time in the end. I decided to leave the wiring harness until the end since I wanted to use the funds available at the time for as many hard parts as possible.

I checked a few sources and came accross Dr. Tweak and after some research he was the man for the job. I then came accross Sean Palmquist from and again, he offered the same services as Dr. Tweak but about $300 to $400 less expensive. At this point, I am somewhat leaning towards Sean Palmquist since I would be saving some dough, but don't want to jump to conclusions since I've not heard much about him and his work.

I proceed to call both of them before making my decision to make sure I got all my ducks in a row and decided to go with Sean. Though they both said wait time is about 30 days that was not a problem since I had been waiting for a year and a half to get this thing on the road. Here the story gets good, I work in the parts department of a BMW,Porsche and VW dealership in the Tampa Bay area and asked Sean if there was anything he needed from my dealership (as far as parts) that I coud help him get in exchange for a discount on the harness job.

He said his father owns a BMW and has been looking for an engine cover for a while but is expensive. We both agreed I would get it for him and he would save me $100 towards the harness. Life is good!!!!

By the way, at this point in the build my car is complete and the only thing I need is the harness.

I sent him both my harnesses back in MID JANUARY, paid him in full via Paypal and sent his engine cover once it arrived from Germany directly to him. I double checked with him via e-mail after each package arrived to make sure everything was good and he replied promptly that everything is great. Again, life is good.

Everything is going great so I asked him through email again if he thought it was possible that he could have the harness delivered to me by FEBRUARY 19th since there was a meet I wanted to make on the 20th. He said that should not be a problem. I understood I was probably pushing it since it hadn't even been a month yet. This guy is the shit!!! he replies quickly to my emails AND he is quick as hell. The week of the delivery I EMAILED him MONDAY and he replied with "almost done with your harness,we are still on track for delivery on the 19th". I thought that was an odd statement since he is in California and it took 7 days for my package to get to him but I went with it.

It is now March 3rd and I still don't have my harness, I'll skip to this week. We are now at the stage in which I have to actually call him to get any kind of response from him. (I actually got his number through Paypal since he stopped answering my emails and pm's from his own website MYJZSWAP.COM) Called him Wednesday to get an update and he said he s finally done he has a FEDEX pickup scheduled for that day and I would have it by Saturday 3/5/11 I'm thinking great!!! Finally!!! so I asked him to send me the tracking number once again as soon as it is send. I called him again this afternoon to get the tracking # and this guy said to me without any regard for what he has already told me that he has not even sent it yet. I was so f$^%ing pissed I was speechless. I just stupidly said "ok, don't forget to send me that tracking # wen you send it"


So far, I have not yelled or even complained to him yet about his customer service and basic business ethics but I am about to lose it. I didn't want to become a total a-hole since 1. He's got my shit 2. He told me it would be about a month wait time.

Again, please be brutally honest. Do I become a total a-hole or should I keep taking it like a champ.

Have you guys heard anything about this guy good or bad. Anything helps at this point. I don't wanna lose my money and have to start fresh looking for another harness and let this go like it never happened.

Suggestions?:: angry :::: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::

SWD Fredester 3

Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2008
baltimore maryland
Sounds like you might have to ride this one out, I believe you're already past your Pay Pal dispute time limit and he has the new engine cover. Personally for $400 I believe I would have gone with Dr. Tweak. He has been around here and on Club Lexus for some time and has produced some good work for the community.
At this point just be patient, hopefully for you the guys work is good and he delivers what you wanted.


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
SWD Fredester 3;1682021 said:
Sounds like you might have to ride this one out, I believe you're already past your Pay Pal dispute time limit and he has the new engine cover. Personally for $400 I believe I would have gone with Dr. Tweak. He has been around here and on Club Lexus for some time and has produced some good work for the community.
At this point just be patient, hopefully for you the guys work is good and he delivers what you wanted.

After all is said and done Dr.Tweak/Phoenix Tuning would have ran at almost $1000. I think that's a little too high a price to pay plus I didn't have that kind of money to spend. Though like I said before, at the time they were both offering the same service so naturally I went with the least expensive.

Lesson learned, you get what you pay for!!!

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
Sound like your going of the deep end for no reason. I could understand if it was a part that hasn't been shipped. But he has to do work on it. Those guy that do the service don't give hard turn around times. It usually depends on the amount of business they have at the time. It's not like its been three month, and you still haven't heard anything. I could understand being upset if you payed a extra $150 to expedite the service, and it was not done on time but come on cut him some slack. Put your big boy pants on and wait for your harness.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
S.A. supra;1682186 said:
Sound like your going of the deep end for no reason. I could understand if it was a part that hasn't been shipped. But he has to do work on it. Those guy that do the service don't give hard turn around times. It usually depends on the amount of business they have at the time. It's not like its been three month, and you still haven't heard anything. I could understand being upset if you payed a extra $150 to expedite the service, and it was not done on time but come on cut him some slack. Put your big boy pants on and wait for your harness.

Would you be saying the same thing if you were in his position? I mean the guy did tell him he would have it done by then. So that means it should be done. If you ordered something and the guy said he could have it to you by a certain date, and he ends up taking 2 maybe 3 weeks longer then what was said, youd be upset to. Dont say you wouldnt be. But you are right, he is going to have to wait. No doubt about that.

I guess just ask for some pics if its possible. to see where its at in production.


Flyin Low
Feb 16, 2009
Vancouver, Washington
This is a tough one... I own my own business and can speak from both sides to a point... Like SAsupra said, if you are a service based business, scheduling is always fluid, now in saying that, it is also the responsibility of the business owner to communicate well with his/her customers if they would like repeat business. There have been times that I have made a commitment to get a set of plans to a customer, then a different project goes to hell and I can't meet the commitment. But as soon as I know this, I make a call and explain the situation and look for solutions, I have not lost a customer yet.

As for your end, you really do not have a choice but to be patient, as much as I would want to rip their heads off and scream down the hole, I know that would not get me my harness back any sooner and maybe never get it at all... One other note, if you used a CC through your paypal, you may be able to dispute through them, not sure, I would perhaps still call Paypal and see if there is anything that you can do, sometimes just the contact from Paypal will get someones butt moving faster.

Eitherway good luck, let us know what happens...

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
airhead04;1682190 said:
Would you be saying the same thing if you were in his position? I mean the guy did tell him he would have it done by then. So that means it should be done. If you ordered something and the guy said he could have it to you by a certain date, and he ends up taking 2 maybe 3 weeks longer then what was said, youd be upset to. Dont say you wouldnt be. But you are right, he is going to have to wait. No doubt about that.

I guess just ask for some pics if its possible. to see where its at in production.

I honestly wouldnt, I had a 7m built for me and it took forever, something like 5 months. Tho I am not a business, no have I run one I understand the concept. That if my2jzswap is $500 dollars cheaper that they will have a lot more business, thus putting me in the back of a long line. That's why I said if he paid for expedited service he has a right to be mad. Now pissing on my2jzswap in this forum Is probably not gonna get his harness back any faster. It might even slow the process down.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Yeah, you'll have to ride this one out. I don't think I would have paid him in full so early. A small non-refundable deposit to cover his parts I can understand, but not the whole amount. Now he's not hungry for the rest of the money cause he already has it. Probably just stringing you along while he finishes up other harnesses.

Just be patient. It'll come. Hopefully.


Flyin Low
Feb 16, 2009
Vancouver, Washington
3p141592654;1682277 said:
If you dispute through your CC you violate the Paypal T&Cs. In other words, you can do this once, and then paypal closes your account.

Huh, learn something new everyday... Mine is tied only to checking accounts so... Thanks for pointing that out...


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
Thanks for all your opinions, I get what you all are saying. Last night when I posted this thread I was pretty pissed, I am a little less pissed right now and I'm about to call him in a few minutes here to see what today's excuse is.

Also, some of you missed the last sentence or so in my little essay...he already told me the harness is completed and that he had a FEDEX pick up scheduled. I called him a couple of days later to get the tracking # from him and that's when he gave me the good news that he hadn't sent it. Weird, isn't it?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I spent $650 for my harness for my 2jzgte swap...Dr. Tweak was well worth it. Do not put a price on quality work....this is what you end up with.

And No you are not being unreasonable, now you are at the mercy of a shitty business.


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
SupraMario;1682285 said:
I spent $650 for my harness for my 2jzgte swap...Dr. Tweak was well worth it. Do not put a price on quality work....this is what you end up with.

And No you are not being unreasonable, now you are at the mercy of a shitty business.

You know, if Dr.Tweak would have quoted me that I would have done it but it was almost $1000 when I called for my quote. Maybe he was in a bad mood that day and didn't want to take any more work in.

And you are absolutely correct about being at the mercy of this guy's poor business ethics.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
JORAMI17;1682291 said:
You know, if Dr.Tweak would have quoted me that I would have done it but it was almost $1000 when I called for my quote. Maybe he was in a bad mood that day and didn't want to take any more work in.

And you are absolutely correct about being at the mercy of this guy's poor business ethics.

What did you ask for that he quoted you almost 1,000.... i got a quote a month or two ago to redo my entire harness. Thats all new wires, clips, and the good wire wrap and he told me 1K give or take a few bucks....


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
OneJArpus;1682294 said:
What did you ask for that he quoted you almost 1,000.... i got a quote a month or two ago to redo my entire harness. Thats all new wires, clips, and the good wire wrap and he told me 1K give or take a few bucks....

All I said was that I'm doing a run of the mill Aristo 2jzgte into an 91 Supra.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
JORAMI17;1682296 said:
All I said was that I'm doing a run of the mill Aristo 2jzgte into an 91 Supra.

Did you have the original harness? Because if not there is your 1k quote.
I had both harness's.