If anyone described the R154 as smooth/or smoother then the w58, then i doubt they have ever: 1. driven with a R154 or 2. Driven a car with a smooth as butter transmission.
^R154 = notchy & strong trans
W58 = Smoother shifting but weaker
mk3ifinallygotone: This is what you do
APEXi Intake (http://store.driftmotion.com/static/i-apexi507-t001.php) $115.00
Intercooler piping kit: (http://store.driftmotion.com/static/i-25pipingkit.php) $145.00
Spearco Replica (http://store.driftmotion.com/static/i-spearcostyleic.php) $198.00
15lb spring and your only seeing 11-12's? I'd first diagnose why you aren't getting the proper PSI. I don't think the BC would allow you to go below 15 psi spring on the wastegate.
I say fix that then start tuning....
Your not going to make much on this site from them. $150 would be a starting points and work down. Try putting it on Ebay maybe you can break that $$ but i doubt it. I've got two of them laying around and i'd personally let them go for 75 bucks a pop if someone wanted them. I've sold an entire...
I hear you ideally want your oil temps to be 212 degree's. But thats just what i've read on a hand full of sites so far. But that may just be because you are cruising
you are going to have to turn the heat up on them for a refund. If not bend over and insert head into ass with no lube. Because they will walk over you any chance they get and if you let them they will win. Fight it in a good manner if need b.
@Nghty89 - The 2JZGE Does NOT have the provisions for the Crank Sensor depending on the year. You will need the 1JZ/2JZ oil pump for the provision + the sensor if you do not have it or if you may even need it to run the MS3. But I dont think it would make a difference if you went full MS3 n used...
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