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  1. Justin

    One of these things is not like the others.

    No, its really thick. It appears to be carbon, but I don't really have anyway to be sure what it is.... What I really need to know is if the IS300 coil packs provide the same spark to both plugs. What I'm getting at is a coil sits on the number three cylinder, and it has a plug running...
  2. Justin

    One of these things is not like the others.

    Yes, but it doesn't seem like a complete miss. It'll crack a little under boost sometimes, but not all the time. The car never runs smooth though. It'll decelerate really smoothly, but when I accelerate it sounds like a subaru. That's what I'm thinking it is, spark intensity. I have the...
  3. Justin

    One of these things is not like the others.

    Check out plug number-o three-o. Would this indicate a lack of spark on cylinder 3, or an excessive amount of fuel being dumped in? Check out the plug side of the ground electrode, that's what's makes me wonder about fuel or spark... it looks like its getting spark, or maybe just a...
  4. Justin

    The 300 dollar supra!

    I thought all turbo's had LSD? If not, I don't know. We'll find out soon though :)
  5. Justin

    Post LED clusters and climate controls.

    Yes, I've seen a few people do all red. Just a shameless plug - I will convert anyones c.c. for a pretty damn reasonable price. just shoot me a PM
  6. Justin

    The 300 dollar supra!

    What? Why the hell not. I completely expect you to know that I did not name it anything to do with 300 dollar supra and find it anyway. You people :nono::nono: ;) Apparently I just tagged it as 7mgte. psh. oh well, here it is! That bag was...
  7. Justin

    The 300 dollar supra!

    I'll try when I get home. Its trying to load on youtube. I tagged it as 300 dollar supra, so search for it in about 10 -15 minutes
  8. Justin

    The 300 dollar supra!

    and I got myself a free R154 transmission :) Video to come soon. maybe. never loaded a video up before. This thing runs frickin awesome. it idles PERFECT, rev's all the way up smooth as can be. its amazing.
  9. Justin

    How to safely wake a sleeping giant?

    You need to hold the accelerator pedal to the floor while cranking the engine. Once the engine turns over and starts, make sure you hold the pedal down for a good minute until the car is warmed up.:sarcasm::sarcasm:
  10. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    Yeah I'm starting to think I may bring it. I drove it saturday and sunday and it seems to cruise fine. I'll probably go for an hour drive sometime in the next week or two and see how it likes it. It might happen :)
  11. Justin

    3 Maft Pro questions

    I'm not sure whether I knew that or not, but the car was warmed up. I don't try and do anything until the car is at full operating temp. I do have a wideband, an LC1 with the XD16 Gauge. I will have to run through and check again to see what the readings where. I was just paying attention...
  12. Justin

    You see alot of guitar players on YouTube, but check this drummer out...

    yeah that's cool an all, but are you any good at rockband? :sarcasm:
  13. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    BAH! Mine would end up on the side of the road with a problem, on the way THERE. If I can get it running smoothly I may take it, but I REALLY don't like the way its running right now.
  14. Justin

    What are the symptoms of....

    Plugs are brand new (20 miles if that) and gapped at .030 When I put the 550's in I discovered the colors differ based on year, so I went by my TSRM for a 91 which is the year of harness I have so I'm 98% sure they're right but everyone makes mistakes. I wish there was a damn code that'd...
  15. Justin

    Best software / placement for Lc-1

    If you're concerned about heat why not put the wide band o2 down by where the down pipe makes the final bend to run parallel with the ground? That's where I have mine and it seems to work great.
  16. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    Yeah? Sounds fun :-D Nothin like a good caravan of Supras. wo0t
  17. Justin

    What are the symptoms of....

    Either reversed plug wires, or reversed injector wires? By reversed injector wires, I don't mean a single injector, because that doesn't matter, I mean if I had one of two situations: 1: injector 4 and 5 switched 2: one wire from injector 4 switched with one wire from injector 5? I'm...
  18. Justin

    Hardwiring VPC without ECU harness or Sensor harness..little help needed

    Doh. I forgot those were for the 88. Hah. I guess that makes sense. I'm used to my 89 wires now :)