Non-vtec prelude, its says VTEC inside, if you can read it, sorry for phone pics. Best thing is when I drive the supra he parks all the way across the parking lot.
There will be no valve clearance, but there will be compression problems. The ge is 10:1, I think but am not sure, someone correct me if I am wrong. And I have no idea what the tt gasket puts compression at.
What kind of cars have you been working on?
Got to remove the c-clip and take out the pin first, find someone with small hands to do this.
Easiest, there are six bolts holding it on there, will need someone to turn the crank over to get all of them out.
Easy to take out the trans with the...
I couldn't get the hose off of the nipple when it was in the car and just took the nipple off of the fan. The o-ring ended up leaking until I reused the old o-ring (glad I kept it) with some grease and it didn't leak.
I didn't have a problem with it until I blew off an ic pipe pushing one of the lines into the fan and cutting it in half. Then I took it off with the bolt that connect to the assembly and the o-ring I put in there wasn't the right one and put the the old one in and it started to leak again. I am...
It works great and moves a lot of air but the hoses and o-rings are problematic when they leak and cuase your fan not to work. I am just asking opinions about what people have experianced with these fans.
What are some of the known problems with the hydro-fan on the 1jz. I am trying to decide to fix my leak with a o-ring or just go with my flex-a-lite fans from my previous car. Does any body have a diagram of the assembly or part numbers.
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