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  1. nick88

    finally went back to the track

    Stock ecu? Turn boost up to just under fuel cut.
  2. nick88

    1jz swap

  3. nick88

    Nasty bug and code 47

    Flow test your injectors? Any kind of tune?
  4. nick88

    (Feeler) NM2 shifter re start group buy with some changes

    Filters? He sells short throw shifters. I'd be interested, just low on funds right now.
  5. nick88

    ECU whiz person

    Is the jdm engine a turbo? What color plugs are on the jdm harness?
  6. nick88

    FREE parts?? and what to chose if any...

    Lip on the front and a spoiler painted to match your car. Whale tail or 89+ 3 piece.
  7. nick88

    Yes. This person is serious.

    Since when do these add to the value of the car. If so I'm gonna do this to my car and jack up my cars price. Because it is only running on 4 cylinders because of BHG.
  8. nick88

    Yes. This person is serious.

    Bet it comes with a special prize inside. ::bhg::
  9. nick88

    Recaro seat question

    They are the same ones in my car, no difference between driver and passenger. From a tt-r.
  10. nick88


    :bsflag: that engine would definetly need a rebuild. Not cost efficient to just replace the hg, better to rebuild becuase theres no doubt that it will be knockin
  11. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    When it was sitting next to this car it was looking pretty bad, in reality it wasn't bad, but had a weird ass wing on it. I am going to get a 3 hole bomex like was one it and paint it to. Going to get a sunshade, its just a matter of time. The next on the list is ic hardpipes, then a...
  12. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    The guy I bough it it from had the sunshade but wanted to keep it for a na supra the was in horrible shape, but he had lost the mounting brackets for it. I will probably end up getting it. I will keep updating this one. No need for more clutter on the forum, just a move once I get it goin...
  13. nick88

    7mgte swap question.

    Run it out of gas put the walbro in so you don't have to worry about that old tired pump. And you won't have to do it when you upgrade to something like lex/550's.
  14. nick88

    1990 MKIII Brand New 92KM fully loaded!

    Almost double the list price?
  15. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    Will be the first contacted if I ever decide to sell. There is a waiting list with 3 people on it now. Going to have to paint it this winter because I tried to buff the targa first and burn through just a little bit so decided to stop and just going to paint it, going to spray the engine bay and...
  16. nick88

    1990 MKIII Brand New 92KM fully loaded!

    The asking price should be What is should of been back in 1990. Look at your registrations and think if this car was the msrp listed, would it still be for sale. It would of been long gone. It's so damn expensive that Toyota won't even buy it for their museum.
  17. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    I found it, had no idea what they look like so I was looking everwhere when it was right in front of my face. I got another dash to replace the cracked one, but it has some little cracks. Anybody know where to get a repair kit and paint to match? Could you post some more pics of the car...
  18. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    It had it, the button is in the cig lighter. It was rigged in there too, some exhaust pipe with a injector in there, Even if you did hit nitrous the ic pipe would blow off and you wouldn't get and\y boost or nitrous, but I still have everything but the bottle and injector/pipe thingy he didn't...
  19. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    A guy named Eddy bought it and brought it back to Iowa. No more power steering and the heat is rigged to work but am working on fixing it. What is the stealth ecu tuned to, fuel cut, rev limit? Was the ecu in the stock location? Its not gonna leave my hands anytime soon, a couple people I...
  20. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    Do you you remember the guys name you sold it to? Did it have power steering, heat when you owned it? What is the paint code? What happened to it is that he tried daily driving it in Iowa and realized the first snow that he couldn't move when the turbos spooled on summer tires, bought a sti and...