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  1. IBoughtASupra

    off to the dyno today

    Aaron told me that the 440cc JDM injectors when he flow tested them, they flowed close to 480cc.
  2. IBoughtASupra

    What Grinds Your Gears?

    When you take your Supra out and find nothing to race. You take your daily out and there goes all the STI, 240 and Supras passing you.
  3. IBoughtASupra

    '87 7M-GTE teardown/rebuild.

    They need the actual piston to make sure the clearance from piston to bore is correct. Each piston is not the same, they all are .020 over but still different from each other when you measure them.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    Starting build #2 , I WANT 500 RWHP...

    Any luck? Head to the local parts store and get one and then return it.
  5. IBoughtASupra

    painting the turbo compressor housing

    I like powder because all it needs to clean it is Windex. To polish the chrome powder, I use mothers aluminum polish and it works.
  6. IBoughtASupra

    What Grinds Your Gears?

    When I see women on FaceBook complain how they can't find the right guy. I've went to high school with A LOT of them on my list and they all choose idiots, you know the kind that say, "I wear my pants below my ass because 50 cent does it and refer to women as mah bitches an hoes, nah mean."...
  7. IBoughtASupra

    Explain Blow-Off Valves to me please?

    Everyone likes the HKS SSQV. It's more used than Pamela Anderson. HKS with recirculating fitting or a Blitz. I believe Turbo XS has one as well.
  8. IBoughtASupra

    AEM ecu runs 3 to 4 minutes and dies cuts off

    So 3P, since the main sensors such as IAT, MAP, TPS all use a 5V reference and so do oil pressure/temp along with other sensors, how can you prevent an overload or know when you are getting to it's limit?
  9. IBoughtASupra

    painting the turbo compressor housing

    Pay the little money and get it powdercoated, you won't be disappointed.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    Possible brake upgrades

    Sethron's kit. It's well priced!
  11. IBoughtASupra

    Rear BBK anyone?

    I don't have your number. Albert has my number. Shoot me a text.
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Rear BBK anyone?

    My local hose shop, well known around here and all individuals that deal with hydraulics go there because they have a wide selection of basically all fittings even metric, made my lines when I deleted ABS. It's a Teflon braided clear jacket hose and uses -3 lines. I wondered if that was enough...
  13. IBoughtASupra

    Leecheater's rebuild, getting there

    Did you clean the tank well? Could have been crap that got into the pump and killed it.
  14. IBoughtASupra

    5 years in the making 2JZ GE-T START-UP VID @ POST 34

    Is your radiator good, not clogged? Is the 7M clutch good? The voltage for the TPS is still high, it should be around .5V at idle.
  15. IBoughtASupra

    1jz fpr question

    You have to loosen the line from under the car and screw the DM adapter on.
  16. IBoughtASupra

    1jz fpr question

    You should change the stock lines. Why are you trying to fuel 880CC injectors with a stock feed line?
  17. IBoughtASupra

    why can't people determine the difference between fact and opinion?

    I never assume the internet is right. I just contact Ian. :D
  18. IBoughtASupra

    Stock Temp Gauge Jumping Around after 3k RPMs

    Cooling mods? What sender? Was it ever changed?
  19. IBoughtASupra

    did i just melt my cold start injector?

    +1 on the power probe. There are two kits. One comes with different adapters. Get the cheaper kit, same company but works for everything you will need.
  20. IBoughtASupra

    What Grinds Your Gears?

    You know what grinds my gears? Kelly and her ball punching ball stepping skills.