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  1. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Hmm i will bear that in mind. Great information. If the rewire fails i will do that.
  2. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Ah i see. Thats just what i needed to know. Thank you very much!
  3. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Well i bridged the two then alternated disconecting either and the same thing happened every time. The code came on after a few revs. Reset and repeat. No change. So im leaning toward wiring or both knocks are bum. But....doesnt the knock code come on under detontion as well or was there another...
  4. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Can you elaborate.
  5. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Hey guys, i know there are alot of code 52 threads on here. But none of them ever close with a solution. I have an 88 turbo car with the perpetual code 52. Its fine until it goes into boost and just doesnt go anywhere. My biggest question is can this code be triggered by a problem with the maf...
  6. morganson

    Torque Converter help

    Guys i need to now. What converter are you auto guys running for regular driving. The TO18b is impossible to find and im getting little to no input on what went in from the factory. One place is telling me that the TO40b fits but the bolt circle is 9.125" instead of the 9" that is the flex...
  7. morganson

    Rebuild questions. Need information. Help

    Alright i remember once seeing a comparison between a turbo automatic input shaft and an n/a. Oiling differences. But i cant find it now and i am pretty sure i have an n/a shaft in this trans. Does any one have the link or the pics they can post. Im rebuilding this thing and imputting this...
  8. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    No sir i made two bridges spaning the valve covers on either end. I only use two bolts, no bolt is nessesary in the middle the phenolic is more than strong enough to hold it all down. You could go thicker but i chose 1/4 in. Holds up just fine.
  9. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Its in and lives! Here is vid
  10. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Alright folks. This thing is mocked up, mounted and measured on my test head. Its tight but should look clean when installed. I have some pics ready but the plate is being painted now so the wood look isnt staying.
  11. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    No you are correct it does sit at a slight angle. But i am thinking of adjusting that. As for the wires i got off ebay. They are STI, i payed 26.50 to my door. Pleasant suprise. I thought i was buying salvage wires lol. As for the rest of this i got the plate cut out today. I used 1/4 in...
  12. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Small update, got the harness finished today and made sure it would clear the template. Hunting materials through the week. May go phenolic if it proves right. Will get pics once the first is finished and installed.
  13. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Yes i found the 3/4 wire annoying as well. There are no options available for the shorter wire. I considered cutting and re-terminating but hate to cut into brand new wires. This is the best routing i could muster but should roll....
  14. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Wires came in today, will get the template finished before the week is out then ill start on the first hold down. Anyone have thoughts on ventalation?
  15. morganson

    A341e swap

    This is the ID plate off the tranny but i dont think it say much about the transmission.
  16. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    So i worked most of today on the hold down and got the initial template down. I am still waiting for my wires to come in but i have the hardest part out of the way. This is where i am now...
  17. morganson

    A341e swap

    The one i have is out of a 92 ls400 and still has the throttle cable. The case between the two is identical but yes the input and output shaft are wrong. 20 spline vs 26 spline. The converter used will not bolt up to our flywheel. Needless to say this is not a bolt on soution but could be...
  18. morganson

    A341e swap

    Just wanted to know cause i am not seeing a whole lot on this but i have an 88 ma71 with an a340e. I pumped the boost a little bit and now my tranny is toast. Suprise. Rumaging around the internet i discovered the a341e and its differences. I found one for a killer deal and am going to swap it...
  19. morganson

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Guys i dont get in here very often but i am currently putting this mod together. I will be looking into building a simple plate to locate and secure the coils and wires. Im using a spare head for the mock up. If successful i will have a plate that lifts the ignition off as a whole rather than...