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  1. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Oh and if you guys have any more questions feel free to ask.
  2. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Alright guys. No body get antsy on me. I am working on finalizing this thing and cleaning up the harness a little bit. Its going to take me a bit to get the parts rounded up for a second unit. When its done ill post up the finished products.
  3. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Sparky, no that doesnt work there is a feedback loop that fires all coils at once. I tried that.
  4. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    What are the specs on your car? Anyone else interested in being a test subject?
  5. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I will be updating this thread. My first post has the harness layout on it.
  6. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I understand where your coming from. Im going to find some numbers to compare. Will keep updated.
  7. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Im sure the stock coils are fine. Neither me or tookwik developed this because of a deficency in the stock ignition. I cant speak for tookwik but i put this together because i havent seen another like it, because stock coils on top of being expensive are getting harder to find. But most of all...
  8. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    57 trim with ported exhaust manifold. 11PSI is the most i can do right now thats why im doing the 550s i am alrady running a maft. I dont have the capability to give you a print out of coil output. But last time i looked 1zz coils require an aftermarket ecu. This is plug and play. ;-)
  9. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    If there is any interest i will post up a more detailed explanation of the harness. Very important.
  10. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Runs fine on stock setup. Havent had any problem with blowout. Much snappier off idle. Nice thing about the ford coils is they put out almost twice most import coils. 40k or so. So even if you half the dwell time you are still golden. Plus the aftermarket coils almost double that and cut the...
  11. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Im sure i can get connectors in black. These were cheap and fast. Honestly the hardest part of this was figuring out the harness. The first one was a nightmare.
  12. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    So in 2007 Tookwik introduced the IS300 setup and shook the world. As of today i have finished a setup that is true COP and its plug and play with no extra computers needed. It is a hair more complicated than the IS setup obviously but opens up the aftermarket with MSD and Accel coils being an...
  13. morganson

    Looking for some Maft info

    Cool, thanks thats just what i needed to know.
  14. morganson

    Looking for some Maft info

    I am currently running the stock 440s, i figured i would have to run larger injectors but if i move up to say the 550 will my boost cut move to with the tuning of the maft or will it continue to limit me at 12psi?
  15. morganson

    Looking for some Maft info

    So i havent been able to find a whole lot of information concerning the old maft. I have it hooked up, runs great no real problems. But i want to begin turning the boost up a little. Right now i am running 11 psi. I have a greddy profec a, and the 3 in gm maf. What else do i need to do to get...
  16. morganson

    7M IS300 coil bracket

    Albert, i dont know how far you have gotten in this but i recently put together a bracket much the same as what you are trying to do. Most of my information is in the COP thread by tookwik. I ended up just cutting off the leg on the throttle linkage that goes to the galley. No prob. Mine is...
  17. morganson

    Coolant Light ON all the time

    Unplug sensor, light will go out. I had same problem and cleaned over and over with no change.
  18. morganson

    Lean spike??

    Thank you both. Thats what i needed to know. Just wanted to make sure it was normal.
  19. morganson

    Lean spike??

    I have a question. I have a apexi afr monitor and after changing my o2 sensor i now get a stable reading. 10 at idle ect. This ks where i become concerned. At cruise if i chop the throttle it spikes to 20 and may stay there until i tap the gas or may come right down. Is this spike normal? It...
  20. morganson

    Code 52 info

    Just updating. Did the rewire code is fixed no problem. Thank you to everyone who responded and helped.