Search results

  1. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Im going to get some picks up tonight of the set in the car. Fit and finish is top notch in my opinion. Again i would like to find someone that can make copies of this thing either out of billit or phenolic. Cnc or waterjet. I dont have anyone around here that does anything like it. So i can get...
  2. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    About a month. I just got the 550s in the car yesterday and got to turn the boost up. No problems at 14psi all the way up to 7k. Im going to be putting another set together in two weeks. ( out of money now) need someone that can duplicate this plate fast. I cant cut abunch of the out by hand. It...
  3. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Cheap coils are cheap. You guys probably wouldnt pay 500$ for this setup if i said it had msd coils on it. The cheap coils have worked so far but im not putting alot of stock in the coil. How many people have bought junk yard IS coils because new ones are to expensive. The great old saying...
  4. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Sooo had a set back, the coils wont sit even in the head if i place them as low as i can. However i may still be able to make the plate work, coils will sit a little higher than what i wanted. A little disapointed but will roll with it. Pics later.
  5. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    True but those are hard to come by, at least my toyota place looks at me funny when i asked for them.
  6. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    What i did with the last one was just use longer bolts and use the six holes in the valve covers however it is rough on the head to take the bolts out over and over. I am thinking about studs or even stud bolts comonly used on valve covers but the right thread is really hard to find. Longer...
  7. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Little update on the v2 you guys can tell me if you like it or the v1 bracket as well as the coil i will use from now on with the boot cut to length.
  8. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Plate, coils, and harness. Plug and play. Once the dyno tests are done it will be made available. Results will be postsd during dyno tests. I am almost done with the v2 unit just got the dg500s in last night. Plate will be done today.
  9. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Kk i will look into it. Pete, pm me your address so i can be accurate.
  10. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Question, am i missing somthing or is oversea shipping really 244$!!!
  11. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    I dunno never shipped to australia. But i would be more than happy to find out shipping.
  12. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Different coil (kinda) and phenolic mounting plate spanning whole galley rather than half. Picks will be up soon, no worries.
  13. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    325 to 350 is a piece of cake for this setup. I suspect this will reach well into 20 to 25psi range if not more. But dont worry guys i got one that will be going out to another member for unbiased dyno testing. No need to make any commitment just yet.
  14. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    So here is a question. Provided this thing proves itself on the dyno. Who here feels $200 shipped to your door is unreasonable? Or whould there be more interest in buying just the plate and the harness? No coils no hardware?
  15. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Bwd number is pt5749 but uts 21$. Ebay was the best i have found.
  16. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Could, but i already am cutting the boots to sit lower anyway so just cut the dg500 boot to length. Ill go into that when i finish the second unit. Measurments are a little different on the 500 vs the 528.
  17. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    Just putting this here before i forget. The DG500 coil is rated at 45kv
  18. morganson

    morganson's COP S-Type setup

    It is, but due to the availability of the dg500 im going to try to use it on the next unit. The dg528 is just to narrow a production gap. Besides if i use the dg500 then you can use both the e260 and e261 (borg warner pn) straight plug vs angle plug but the bodies are the same. And both are easy...