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  1. Chambers

    *Project sideways supra*

    I understand, make due with what you got.
  2. Chambers

    *Project sideways supra*

    I'm quite suprised how this build has turned out, very well thought out and put together. Any reason you went with a targa and not a hard top for drifting, or was it just the car available at the time? Good luck.
  3. Chambers

    Bryan's 1uz twin turbo build

    First I'd like to say your build is really inspiring, and is really helping me visualize my 1UZ project, thank you for posting your progress. I had the starter problem in my 86, I believe the problem lies between the fuse block and the solenoid (dash side of harness), from the sound of it it...
  4. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Thanks, yes, it is a SC motor. Good to hear about boost, I may boost this engine, but that really depends on how long the 7M lasts in the car currently. I have been hearing a knocking at idol, the same knock that my 86 had for its road life until it went beyond the point of return...
  5. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Yea, I was surprised how many e-mails I received after I posted it up on the net. Thanks for the reply. Yea, sure did, but my goal will be to make it as factory as possible, so I'm going to have to do some creative work to get everything to go together, and that means it could turn into a...
  6. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    I plan to, Thanks for the kind words.
  7. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    I sold those "fugly" rims, and purchased a 1UZ-FE!!! Its missing some parts, but for three hundred bucks, I'm happy. It came with almost complete engine, complete tranny, complete engine harness and ECU.
  8. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Friend of mine just got a lift, easyest oil change I ever did. :icon_bigg Also got around to installing a Pre-89 factory Spoiler, I know, strange huh? I usually wouldn't consider putting a spoiler on but for a couple of ten spots I couldn't pass it up. And finally, I got a...
  9. Chambers

    Strange things found while working on Supras.

    Wow, I'm impressed on how far this thread has gone, there are quite a few strange finds in our cars, keep them coming!
  10. Chambers

    Carbon fiber 7m-ge/gte cam gear cover

    Nice! That's a very well fitting piece! Keep those pics and parts coming! Any chance of one that has a removable top piece, so you could get to the cam gears without taking the thermostat housing off? Thanks.
  11. Chambers

    Pre-89 Spoiler - Could use some photos

    Yea, pics of the holes from inside and out of the hatch, also laying a ruler or other measuring device on the outside from the window trim to get a rough idea on how far back it goes. Thanks.
  12. Chambers

    Pre-89 Spoiler - Could use some photos

    Yea, the stock pre-89 look isn't for everybody, thanks for the input though.:icon_bigg Any pics would help, and maybe on the rare occasion that someone else would want to put a pre-89 wing on in the future, this thread will be here for info. Thanks.
  13. Chambers

    Pre-89 Spoiler - Could use some photos

    Yea, I ended up accidentally putting the spoiler about 3/8" back, but I like the way it looks, nice and center other than the 3/8" discrepancy. I think it really made the car look more aggressive from the rear. Thanks for everyone's replies.
  14. Chambers

    Pre-89 Spoiler - Could use some photos

    Yea, I was mainly just looking to get an idea of where the holes were going from the underside, I don't want to put the spoiler to far forward or back and have the center stud not line up with the hole on the underside. I have seen a pre-89 with the 89+ 3 piece wing and I do like the way the...
  15. Chambers

    May 2010 Meet

    I would like to get to another meet, I enjoyed the last one I went to, anytime next may is good for me. I think having it at a performance shop would be a great idea!
  16. Chambers

    Pre-89 Spoiler - Could use some photos

    Hi all, I got a hold of a pre-89 spoiler for my 87, I was wondering if I could get some pics of the installed studs from inside the hatch, also wanted to see if anyone has pics of the holes with no spoiler installed, from inside and out of the hatch. Just looking to head in the right...
  17. Chambers

    TooGoode's 2J build

    Wow, very nice! I'm doing the same swap soon, I was considering doing the intake manifolds in black but wasn't sure how it would look, but after seeing yours I think I will, It looks great with the valve covers! Good luck!
  18. Chambers

    Prototype Clear Front Marker Lights - Many Pics Inside

    Hi all, I got my hands on a set of prototype clear front side marker lights for our Supras, They are completely "bolt on" and do not require any cutting or gluing, and will be put into production soon. The set I have here is a prototype set for test fitting, once the info on fitment is sent...
  19. Chambers

    2JZ-GE NA-T Flywheel Question

    Ahh, wow. Thanks, I probably wouldn't have thought to do that.
  20. Chambers

    2JZ-GE NA-T Flywheel Question

    Ok, thanks for the tip! I have a R-154 tranny that it will be paired with, so no worries on that end.