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  1. hornet7288

    code 12

    I need to start checking these things. THe car seems great except when I run it when it's cold. It seems to really bog at certain rpm's, but otherwise it seems to do fine once it's warmed up.
  2. hornet7288

    code 12

    I am getting a code 12. I recently repaired a massive leak in the intake manifold gasket. It runs so much better now. I have also replaced all plugs, wires and cap/rotor. What could be giving me this code?
  3. hornet7288

    Some newbish questions... "GE build or GTE swap?"

    I say turbo it. You just can't get much out of the GE engines. Maybe intake and exhaust, but besides that it simply isn't worth it.
  4. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    I just fixed it and it runs like new. It idles so quietly and smoothly now I can't even feel it running or hear it. It idles smoother than my girlfriends 2000 camry ;)
  5. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    It ended up being a leaking intake manifold gasket.
  6. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    I tested the water temp. sensor and it was good. I am only getting a code 12 now. I want to check the ignitor. I have NGK plugs with about 30k on them. New wires, cap and rotor. I actually did the fuel filter less than 1k miles ago.
  7. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    It seems to bog/hesitate more at lower RPM's driving than it will higher.
  8. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    No oil in the distributor. I am going to make sure that the spark plug valley isn't flooded or anything. All of the connectors look ok.
  9. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    Ok here's the deal. Like I said I have regapped plugs (NKG plugs), new wires, new cap and rotor. I checked codes and got a code 12, 22 and 41. Here is a video of what is sounds like. Any ideas where to go from here? Also if you listen at the end to...
  10. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    I'm running 87. About to go pull the codes. I was getting a distributor code before and replaced the cap and rotor, but haven't checked since.
  11. hornet7288

    car is intermiitently missing at idle

    I also have a miss at idle. I replaced wires, cap and rotor. It seemed to go away briefly once I replaced the cap and rotor but is back about a week later. I plan on cleaning the injectors and checking the timing. Some nights I will punch it and it seems like I can feel it lagging and other...
  12. hornet7288

    check engine light ??

    +1...use a code reader or I think advance auto parts stores will pull the codes for free these days. I do not believe a BHG will cause the check engine light to come on.
  13. hornet7288

    Can you guys help me out. i'm a total noob

    a qt. over full? This isn't harmful in any way? Is this just to prevent rodknock?
  14. hornet7288

    Failed WA State Emissions

    clean all of the intake ports out. There tends to be a lot of carbon cake up in there. I usually just scrape it out with a screwdriver with a vacuum over the port. I'm talking about the little cover on the top with the 4 bolts as the following picture shows. Also I pull the EGR off every...
  15. hornet7288

    Click&Clack comes to PBS

    cool...I listen to these guys every week.
  16. hornet7288

    Supra down

    I had this same thing happen to me and it turned out not to be a bhg. There is a coolant line that runs up through the middle of the intake manifold that ruptured and sprayed everything on the driver's side with coolant. Had a lot of smoke also. The lady at the gas station I was stuck at thought...
  17. hornet7288

    Irrational fears.

    the fear of falling from heights...large crowds and small places don't scared me I just get really pissed off. Also catheters. I had one used on me a few weeks ago. I really wake up at night from dreams I can't remember...probably has to do with the catheter.
  18. hornet7288


    most likely a vacuum leak somewhere i'd imagine...have you replaced any vacuum lines lately?