I hear a hissing sound near my E.G.R vaccum modulator.does that automaticly mean that it's going bad or that it's an obvious leak?
yes i have.and come to think of it,they don't seem to tight of a fit.they might be 4.5mm i think.or maybe they are 3.5.not sure.hornet7288;978776 said:most likely a vacuum leak somewhere i'd imagine...have you replaced any vacuum lines lately?
silicone.which type would you Rx.or maybe i'll just call the dealership.can't go wrong with them.might spend more but it'll be the right kind.or maybe EBAY.CRE;978992 said:What type of tubing did you use? if you used silicone you should consider putting zip ties at all the unions (like little hose clamps). Due to silicone's non porous and somewhat slick nature it doesn't always seal well, especially when connected to an older vacuum nipple.
i'll do that,thanksCRE;980403 said:Absolutely nothing wrong with silicone, it's what I'm using. Just make sure it's sealed at the nipples well.