Thats amazing. I ripped a na harness out of a junkyard car in 30, and by I mean ripped, ripped it out of there saving only the connectors I needed.
On my old supra, when I did the hg, I took the head and then looked at the starter, and there was only the bottom bolt holding it on, and the...
right under fuel cut, it can be different on different elevations and how cold or hot it is that day. My friend has a 57 trim turbo on the stock injectors and hits fuel cut around 9 psi on a hot day.
Alright guys, I just recently attained a 85 cressida with a 5mge with a slipping auto trans. One oddd thing is that it only slips when the trans is cold and is fine when it warms up. There is a mk2 in a junkyard close and it is a 5 speed, will the pedals fit in the cressida?
Well I have clear, so if you want those, I could do a little cahs on top.
What is your bumper going to look like? I see you just cut the bumper in two spots and took that out, but doesn't that support the cover?
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