How do you get the starter out?


New Member
May 27, 2009
is there an easy way im missin here? i crawled under there and can't seem to reach the bolts for anything. i could get the one on bottom but the other one i can't even see let alone get to..
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Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
you need a box end wrench and socket/ratchet, and some small arms.

and a whole bunch of change for the swear jar. :aigo:

get the box wrench on the bolt by sliding your arm between the manfold and strut tower, and the other one from underneath the car reaching around the transmission. if you get the box wrench on there good you should be able to just turn the ratchet wrench to get it out.
make sure you dont drop the wrench on your forehead. and make sure you dont damage your knock sensor behind the starter either.


New Member
May 27, 2009
alrightt, thanks. im gonna try. but before i do i want to make sure it's the starter and see what you guys think... well that cps issue with the random not starting i gotta fix that but before i knew about that i tried crankin it so many times and it still wouldn't start then i tried again one time and it didn't crank or click nothing. so does that sound like i burnt up the starter? i didn't really give it a chance to rest between tries either :nono: i was pissed, i know dumb.


New Member
May 27, 2009
nah i charged the battery and tried, still nothing. all the lights come on and everything just no crank or click when it turn the key.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
easy way to check if the CPS was causing the no start issue.
if your tach was jumping when you were cranking it, its not your CPS. if the tach needle doesnt move, then yea its your CPS.

try tapping the starter and have someone turn the key.


New Member
May 27, 2009
yeah im pretty sure it's the connector. im gonna take out the connector and solder the wires together to see if that solves it. but in order to do that i need my starter fixed, in order to do that i need it out, which is being a pain.


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
I took the wiring harness and starter out of my friend's 87 turbo in about 30 minutes, it's not THAT hard haha


Supramania Contributor
Oct 3, 2008
Pearl City
When you replace the starter, replace with 90+ starter. The holes will be threaded already and it will be a lot easier to remove in the future.


New Member
Feb 6, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Sorry for the thread highjack, but random not starting caused by the CPS?

I currently have random not starting, I go to crank and it just clicks. I end up just key banging it until the eventrually turns over, which 99/100 times it ends up starting.

I was going to replace the starter in the next few weeks, but from what I have gathered in this thread (and the quick search I just did) it seems the CPS connecter may be my problem.

Does this sound like a CPS problem or a starter problem?


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
--Golli;1422220 said:
Sorry for the thread highjack, but random not starting caused by the CPS?

I currently have random not starting, I go to crank and it just clicks. I end up just key banging it until the eventrually turns over, which 99/100 times it ends up starting.

I was going to replace the starter in the next few weeks, but from what I have gathered in this thread (and the quick search I just did) it seems the CPS connecter may be my problem.

Does this sound like a CPS problem or a starter problem?

Bumping this very old thread because I'm currently having the same problem getting it out as well as thinking it may be CPS related since I have a brand new reman starter. If it's not the starter no big deal because my knock sensor is fucked anyway so I'm replacing it. I don't have any fancy tools. Anyway if it's not the starter I'm going to have to check the CPS as well.


JayHall's Hero
May 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Moy;1422032 said:
I took the wiring harness and starter out of my friend's 87 turbo in about 30 minutes, it's not THAT hard haha

Thats amazing. I ripped a na harness out of a junkyard car in 30, and by I mean ripped, ripped it out of there saving only the connectors I needed.

On my old supra, when I did the hg, I took the head and then looked at the starter, and there was only the bottom bolt holding it on, and the starter looked brand new. Also found a 14mm wrench wedge between the bellhousing and trans tunnel, I am guessing that he lost the wrench and didn't put the top bolt back in.


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
SupraOfDoom;1533531 said:
Bumping this very old thread because I'm currently having the same problem getting it out as well as thinking it may be CPS related since I have a brand new reman starter. If it's not the starter no big deal because my knock sensor is fucked anyway so I'm replacing it. I don't have any fancy tools. Anyway if it's not the starter I'm going to have to check the CPS as well.

why would you blame the CPS? your motor will crank with no cps signal, starter has nothing to do with the ECU, sure the trigger signal goes through the stock wiring loom but it has nothing to do with it.

Common issue, a possibility is there is interference/attenuation on the trigger signal, so how do i fix this?

google "mk3 supra relay mod"

pretty much use the original starter trigger to switch a relay to fire the starter, my mk3 had this issue and using a relay worked like a treat, I've had to do it on my missus's ford as well.

there is tons of info on the forums guys, you just need to invest longer than 10 seconds searching.

as for removing the starter its one of the easiest i've worked on, i guess you LHD US guys have the brake cylinder in the way.. i just use a set of 14mm ring spanners from the engine bay


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
It does help to drop the tranny mount (with a jack supporting it). You will want to loosen the lower nuts on the motor mounts, and lower the jack while having someone watch to be sure your fan doesn't get into your radiator. Then, use 2-3 feet of extensions with a swivel for the top bolt. Go in back by the slave cylinder, and over the top of the bellhousing. You will also need a wrench on the other side in the engine bay. A helper is great, but that wrench in the bay is not going anywhere once you get on it. As said before, a 90+ starter is threaded, so you don't need that 3rd hand to hold a nut ever again.