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  1. ians13

    A/C Problem

    Well I fixed my A/C a short time ago, now when ever i turn it on my idle drops from 700rpm to 500rpm i know that the idle should go up or atlest hold the same idle that should be controled by a load switch some were, i just wanted to know if any one has this problem. and were can i find the ac...
  2. ians13

    CPS problem

    Hello over the week end I installed a replacement cps, just removed the old one and installed the new one in the same place car ran fine but had a miss at idle not a bad miss just a light miss but constant. so I hooked up a timing light timing was advanced 34degres, so I set the motor to tdc...
  3. ians13


    Well I need new shocks for my car big time. will i notice it much if i get shocks without tems support. i mean i realy won't know how good tems is because the shocks on the car were dead from day one of me owning this car. but is it worth paying $100 per shock for tems or will kyb's be a good...
  4. ians13

    Cps replacement

    i got a new cps to install is it possible to install this new cps and set it to were the old one was and not set the timing right away. i mean as soon as it get to work and get my hands on a timing light i will set it.
  5. ians13

    spear tire

    what car uses the same bolt patturn as the supra so i can get a small light spare* tire the stock spare* tires is full size and very heavy
  6. ians13

    power steering resovior

    has any one had there power steering resovior start leaking, from the brackets that hold it in place, mine leaks on the exhaust manifolds and it smokes real bad now how easy is it to install a na resovior in a turbo car.
  7. ians13

    Feul Gauge

    Hello all, am having a problem with my fuel gauge and was wondering if there was some easy fix out there. well my guess is the sending unit in the tank is shot because my gaugemoves very little and now it rest below the E mark so i don't know when my gas is low the light does go on and off so am...
  8. ians13

    Missfire solved

    Well after battling this missfire all week it's finaly solved, after doing a vacume leak test testing o2 sensor, maf, cps signal, coil check wire check, turns out it was #6 spark plug broken at the tip, the only reason i did not check the spark plugs to begain with was they are new platinum...
  9. ians13


    does any one know what all thoese sensors on the termostat housing are for. i have a 87 it's got like 3 or 4 sensors. then back were the coolant temp sensor is there is like 3 ? please help. am having bad idle problem when cold starting or after car han been sitting for about a hour and some...
  10. ians13

    MAF question

    will a 89+ MAF work on a 87 ECU?
  11. ians13


    any one know why the boost gauge and oil pressure gauge would stop working at the same time. am sceard to drive the car now.
  12. ians13

    weird problem @4500rpm

    well my car runs great now that i have most of the bugs worked out. but at WOT in 3rd gear + 4500rpm it's like hitting a brick wall sounds like a miss fire with backfiring i got full 3" exhaust turbo back and intake the car is hitting a little past 9psi when this happens. what is this detination??
  13. ians13

    Adjust BOV

    Well Today I adjusted my bov and the car no longer stalls when the bov opens but, now the bov is not as loud. i don't hear any surge is it safe to run the bov tight. i don't here any compressor surge but just wanted to know.
  14. ians13

    Super Monitor Now working

    Hello is my super monitor broken or can i just reset it some how it comes on but none of the bottons do any thing the time is off by like 5hrs and it keeps saying change oil. what's wrong with it. does anyone know?
  15. ians13

    new turbo

    my turbo is on it's way out dumping oil in the intercooler smokes a little but not much yet, but i need to start planning on a new turbo, just wanted to know what's my best bet, i just want to get a new turbo ro turbo setup then i don't have to upgrade fuel right now but can later and turn up...
  16. ians13

    Under hood insulation

    My under hood insulations looks like crap and is fulling off, is it a bad thing to remove it, wille it cause any dmage to the hood paint and such.
  17. ians13

    89+ front end installed

    Here it is this 87 with upgraded front needs paint will posy more pics when it's pained.
  18. ians13

    Power Steering problem

    Well this is a very weird problem, whan at idle the power steering is hard, and when i turn the wheel just alittle and hold it my vac gauges drops from about 18 to 10, were does the power steering have a vac sorce and what can i do to fix this little problem.
  19. ians13

    Black Saw Blades

    Does anyone have pictures of black painted saw blades wheels, maybe on a red supra or any supra, i seen a pic with them painted black with a polished lip looked kinda good.
  20. ians13

    Targa Leak

    Hello all am new to the site this is my first supra and I must say it a nice car modded, am use to the light feel of a 240sx on boost but the supra is growing on me, I have always liked the way they looked but could never get my hands on one well long story short my dad gave me his extra car :)...