Hello i have been trying to find what been poping the fuse for my tail lights. i have brake lights just fine but no park lights, i have checked every bulb and connector even the relay but can't find what's causeing this, the only thing i have left is the combo switch has any one seen this...
am having a problem and i can't see why the car is doing this, when ever i go over a bump in the road the back of the car feels like it's pulling to one side to the next. feels like bump steer but it's in the back.
my greddy turbo timer works in reverse when am idleing it counts up and when am driving it goes down. help me, is my timer busted. i know it's hooked up right because it was working up untill sunday ?
i have the old style timer with the red numbers :)
am having a problem with my type S bov it sticks when it's cold out and when the car warms up it's fine. is it possible to safely clean the bov some how. so it won't stick. or do i need a new bov.
hello does any one know the bulb type for the gauge cluster. have a bulb out and just wanted to know what is was so i can buy the bulb before i take the cluster out.
is getting a wide band. a good investment my car is for the most part stock but i will be upgrading so should i get a wide band. my wife says she will buy it for me or should i get some thing else with the money.
well i took apart my jdm motor today. to fing a realy bad looking hg. well after cleaning the surfaces i pulled out the stright edge to check for warpage it seemd to ne realy good the smallist gauge i had would not go between the stright edge and the block or head, i know am not a machinest but...
well i got a new motor comming, going to put a metal HG in it should i get studs or bolts for the head. i read some were that studs make it hard to repair a blown HG with the motor in the car.
also am thinking this motor i will want to run 12psi on it what kind of tunning will i need to...
Well Today the day before my car goes into the shop for HG repair, it develops a knock right at 2500rpm not very loud but you can hear it. am sure it's rod knock my oil is clean changed 300 miles ago castrol syntech 10/40 with lucus, how did this happen with i know my motor has over 167000 miles...
I blew a cooler line today, the one that comes off the isc and goes into the head; it was in pretty bad shape. well on the way home I noticed the temp going up and sweet smell of coolant I was not fare from home so I was trying to make it but the temp went up not all the way, about 4 marks away...
Has any one Installed a after market oil cooler, on there ride you can get a oil cooler with a fan for under 200$ i think this will be a good mod for keeping the motor cool, but it does not seem like a lot of people do this, why?. will the oi pressure drop to low if a bigger oil cooler is...
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