Search results

  1. Justin

    Apexi Neo

    There are two diagrams in the apexi neo manual. one says vehicles with hot wire, flap, and pressure sensor. the other says vehicles with Karman turbo sensor. which do I use? I know the AFM is Karman vortex, but I also thought it was refered to as a hot wire system... not...
  2. Justin

    D-Link or LinkSys, and Why.

    Which do you prefer, and why? I'm going to replace my LinkSys that is not working well anymore with another router. Its going to be 'N' and probably gigabit. I'm thinking the DIR-665 by D-Link but I figure I'd ask your opinions on the two first.
  3. Justin

    Make gmail your default email program.

    How is this done? I recall seeing an option once. When you click a link it'll pop up a web browser with gmail all set an ready to go. How is this done!
  4. Justin

    UV Oil leak detection fluid

    I have an oil leak that I cannot track down. A buddy that works at a mechanic shop brought me a small bottle of stuff to throw in your engine then take a look with a UV light. Is there any possible side effects to this other than my engine block glowing under a black light? :D I'm going...
  5. Justin

    10.0 Afr

    Is a 10.0 rich enough to cause an rough ride in boost? When I boost in 1st and 2nd gear I drop down to 10.0 and it is a rough ride (which is why I don't boost often). Not as bad as a miss and my plugs are new and gapped correctly.
  6. Justin

    turbo turbo turbo seals

    mine are not in the best shape. Lots of smoke at idle. my question: is it dangerous to drive with seals that are shot? Is there a chance of them going completely and dumping as much oil into my exhaust as it can? Unfortunately I just sold my daily driver and won't be picking up my...
  7. Justin

    Starter Wire

    Where does it go, phsyically? From the ignition switch to the relay in the pass kick panel to the starter?
  8. Justin

    Oh Oil, Why won't you just stay where you belong?

    The past few days of driving my supra I've noticed oil coming out the exhaust. Burning, not dripping :) The oil will be present when I am rolling to a stop and at idle. That is the only time I notice it. Doesn't mean it is not there other times, but that's only when I see it. The engine...
  9. Justin

    Fricken 'A'

    Alt + S doesn't wo rk on FF3. Anyone know how to fixers?
  10. Justin

    Too much money: People who buy this have it. the thing is, it doesn't even look that good...
  11. Justin

    Maft Pro HAC Mod

    I cannot find the pictures Dr. J put up of what needs to be modified on the circuit board of an 89+ ECU to make the HAC work with the Maft pro. Anyone have it saved?
  12. Justin

    Cam/Oil Pump Shaft/Crank seals

    All mine are getting replaced tomorrow (assuming the finally show up in the mail) I'm not very good at all at putting these things in, obviously, or they wouldn't be leaking now. Does anyone have some tips or tricks I could use to assist me? IJ. posted a tip in a thread somewhere but I...
  13. Justin

    Man I suck at searching :\

    I am trying to find the thread pattern of the two or three ports ( I don't know whether I have USDM or JDM) on the thermostat housing. Just the small piece where the upper radiator hose connects too. All 2(3) are the same right?
  14. Justin

    Help Shipping....

    If you guys did not know, USPS provides flat rate boxes for free. They'll even ship them to you at no charge. FYI...
  15. Justin


    This could be the cause of the oil leak.
  16. Justin

    What causes the engine to....

    idle high when you first start it? I would imagine it has to do with the ECU telling something to preform a set action, but I don't know which device does what in order to idle high then slowly come down. Reason I'm asking is when I start my car it idles at 800 and doesn't budge...
  17. Justin

    ABS Swap

    If one were to swap ABS in, or out of a car what would have to be changed, other than electronics? Obviously the lines are dramatically different. Where do they start being the same? On the Non ABS car there is a single line running back into a 'y' then it splits to each wheel. Is that...
  18. Justin

    DSLR Tips

    I should have my hands on a Cannon XTI to take to Centralia. Being as I'm more of a point and shoot type of guy, can anyone give me any tips on taking awesome shots of the great cars that'll be there? I know great photography is something that comes with time, but I have a pretty badass...
  19. Justin

    ECU, Deceleration, and You!

    What does the ECU do with spark and fuel when you're decelerating in gear? Ex: 3rd gear, 4,000 RPMs, no throttle What's happening with fuel and spark? No fuel, I safely say, I know, but what about spark? I know its a pretty basic question but I just want to make sure I...
  20. Justin

    Fuel Injector/Coil pack lines

    Where, physically, do the wires for the coil packs run? Are all four wires going to the ECU? If so, great, I can find the pinouts. Where, physically, do the wires for the injectors run? I know the fuel injector resistor is in line somewhere..... Thanks :)