Search results

  1. Justin

    Motherboard/RAID Problem

    I'm out of ideas on this one, maybe someone can lend some thoughts... I have an ASUS P5E motherboard and three hard drives. Two Hitachi 2 TB drives I just purchased to mirror together for a storage drive and one Seagate 500 GB system drive. I'm running Windows 2008R2 but that's somewhat...
  2. Justin

    I would like to sale this <whatever>.

    Is that correct grammar??? I have been seeing the word 'sale' being used in place of 'sell' a lot recently. Is this correct grammar? It sure seems wrong to me but I'm pretty far from understanding the intricacies of the English language :)
  3. Justin

    Did Toyota ever change headgasket torque?

    I'm looking at a early model '91 with 88k on it. Stock head gasket and a one owner car. Did Toyota ever increase the torque on the head gaskets or was it at the 5x lbs the entire run of the line? If it does have the low torque what's the consensus on re-torquing?
  4. Justin

    Help finding a quote from the movie The Town

    I watched this movie the other night (pretty good film) and there was a quote I am trying to find but cannot find anywhere. I even found a copy of the script but it's not there so it must have been improvised or not a final copy of the script. The bigger dumb crook says the line, I don't...
  5. Justin

    PS3 Vs. BluRay player

    I have a PS3 and use it to stream audio and video from my PC running PS3MediaSever. Also I use the NetFlix app. That's ALL I use it for, I've literally never played a game on it. I bought it when BluRay players were still expensive as a PS3 and didn't offer any form of DLNA capability. The...
  6. Justin

    WA Peoples: Go sign Initiative 1100!!!

    Privatize Liquor in WA state. Get the guvabmet out of the liquor business. I bought a half gallon of Captain in CA for 20 bucks... at Costco. Lets get that kinda industry going here! Just a bit over half way down. Mod...
  7. Justin

    Wanna help me pick a new video card?

    I need a new video card to play COD4 2. It also needs to have dual digital outs. My Current card has one digital and one analog. I'm not wanting to spend more than 200 but I can be convinced if its worth it, I suppose. Really just looking at getting the best value for my money, I...
  8. Justin

    Computer Monitors....

    So I have given up on finding monitors with DisplayPort. It seems all the new Video Cards have the output but none of the new Monitors have the input! Oh well. So I'm looking at getting two 24" monitors. Don't care about the input at all as long as its HDMI or DVI. Don't care which. I...
  9. Justin

    PS3 question

    What's the point of having a large hard drive? Before you assume I'm using this for games, I'm not. I could care less about games. I've read it is the best blueray player on the market and there's a good amount of software that will allow it to read from my Windows Home Server which...
  10. Justin


    So what's the deal with DisplayPort? I've found search results talking about it being an approved standard way back from early 2008, even found monitors with it from a year or so ago... Now I cannot find any monitors with it at all! None that are a reasonable price anyway. The two I found...
  11. Justin

    Computer Memory question

    I just added two sticks of 1 gig memory to the two sticks of 1 gig I already had, making a total of 4 gigs. All four sticks are PC3200. When I am in the BIOS all four sticks regester for a total of 4096 mb. During POST the display only shows 29xx something or the other (Note, not even...
  12. Justin

    Android users

    I have a few questions for Android users.... I'm trying to find out what type of text interface the Android OS offers... Ex: Regular phones just have a single message where as the iPhone, Palm, BB Storm, ?WinMo? have threaded conversations. What does Android use? Screen shots would be...
  13. Justin

    Memory Timing

    I have a somewhat older system that I'm going to throw a few more gigs of memory in. I currently have 2 1 gig Corsair chips in dual channel. This is what I have: I'm going to buy two more sticks of 1 gig to run in dual channel...
  14. Justin

    help me find a picture, please

    I am on my phone right now so I cannot search very effecticly. I am looking for a picture of some chick with her vag covered up by some kind of candy. Skittles or something similar. If someone coupd post it that woupd be awesome.
  15. Justin

    Math Help

    Trying to figure thsi out but I'm not able to get the answer the computer's giving me... 6/((5x+5)/(3-x)) That's supposed to simplify to Any helping ideas?
  16. Justin

    Halp! CarFax?

    Anyone have a car fax account they'd like to put into action? Thanks!
  17. Justin

    Help me with shipping please

    I'm trying to sell a transmission. An R154. I called Fedex and they won't touch it without having it delivered to a business. I called UPS and they wanted 400 dollars to ship it. Any suggestions? No one is going to pay 800 frickin bucks for a transmission....
  18. Justin

    A few heavy things for sale locally I'd rather not have to ship that stuff so if anyone local wants it get ahold of me and you'll get a significantly better deal :)
  19. Justin

    Really quite a neat clock The video's kinda long but its really very neat.
  20. Justin

    Hold Music

    I am currently on hold with a service company. Their hold music IS HORRIBLE. It sounds so distorted its really irritating. That's all.